- J. Sedlar, K. Stepanova, R. Skoviera, J.K. Behrens, M. Tuna, G. Sejnova, J. Sivic, and R. Babuska. Imitrob: Imitation learning dataset for training and evaluating 6D object pose estimators. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 8(5):2788–2795, 2023. [pdf] [bib]
- T. Baaij, M. Klein Holkenborg, M. Stölzle, D. van der Tuin, J. Naaktgeboren, R. Babuška, and C. Della Santina. Learning 3D shape proprioception for continuum soft robots with multiple magnetic sensors. Soft Matter, 19(1):44–56, 2023. [pdf] [bib]
- J. Kubalík, E. Derner, and R. Babuška. Neural networks for symbolic regression. arXiv e-prints, page arXiv:2302.00773v2, 2023. [pdf] [bib]
- P. Kulkarni, J. Kober, R. Babuška, and C. Della Santina. Learning assembly tasks in a few minutes by combining impedance control and residual recurrent reinforcement learning. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 4(1):1–13, 2022. [pdf] [bib]
- J. Kulhánek, E. Derner, T. Sattler, and R. Babuška. ViewFormer: NeRF-free neural rendering from few images using transformers. In Proceedings 17th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), pages 198–216, Tel Aviv, Israel, October 2022. [pdf] [bib]
- N. Passalis, S. Pedrazzi, R. Babuška, W. Burgard, D. Dias, F. Ferro, M. Gabbouj, O. Green, A. Iosifidis, E. Kayacan, J. Kober, O. Michel, N. Nikolaidis, P. Nousi, R. Pieters, M. Tzelepi, A. Valada, and A. Tefas. OpenDR: An open toolkit for enabling high performance, low footprint deep learning for robotics. In Proceedings IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 12479–12484, Kyoto, Japan, October 2022. [pdf] [bib]
- M. Lodel, B. Brito, A. Serra-Gómez, Laura Ferranti, R. Babuška, and J. Alonso-Mora. Where to look next: Learning viewpoint recommendations for informative trajectory planning. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 4466–4472, Philadelphia, USA, May 2022. [pdf] [bib]
- M. Vastl, J. Kulhánek, J. Kubalík, E. Derner, and R. Babuška. SymFormer: End-to-end symbolic regression using transformer-based architecture. arXiv e-prints, page arXiv:2205.15764v3, 2022. [pdf] [bib]
- J. Sedlář, K. Štepánová, M. Tuna, R. Škoviera, J.K. Behrens, G. Šejnová, J. Šivic, and R. Babuška. Imitrob: Imitation learning dataset for training and evaluating 6D object pose estimators. arXiv e-prints, page arXiv:2209.07976v2, 2022. [pdf] [bib]
- Jiří Kubalík, Jan Žegklitz, Erik Derner, and Robert Babuška. Symbolic regression methods for reinforcement learning. IEEE Access, 9:139697–139711, 2021. [pdf] [bib]
- O. Mazhar, R. Babuška, and J. Kober. GEM: Glare or gloom, I can still see you – end-to-end multi-modal object detection. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(4):6321–6328, 2021. [pdf] [bib]
- J. Kubalík, E. Derner, and R. Babuška. Multi-objective symbolic regression for physics-aware dynamic modeling. Expert Systems with Applications, 182:115210, 2021. [pdf] [bib]
- J. Kulhánek, E. Derner, and R. Babuška. Visual navigation in real-world indoor environments using end-to-end deep reinforcement learning. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(3):4345–4352, 2021. [pdf] [bib]
- E. Derner, J. Kubalík, and R. Babuška. Selecting informative data samples for model learning through symbolic regression. IEEE Access, 9:14148–14158, 2021. [pdf] [bib]
- E. Derner, C. Gomez, A.C. Hernandez, R. Barber, and R. Babuška. Change detection using weighted features for image-based localization. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 135:103676, 2021. [pdf] [bib]
- J.E. Kooi and R. Babuška. Inclined quadrotor landing using deep reinforcement learning. In Proceedings IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 2361–2368, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2021. [pdf] [bib]
- E. Derner, J. Kubalík, and R. Babuška. Guiding robot model construction with prior features. In Proceedings IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 7112–7118, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2021. [bib]
- B. van der Heijden, L. Ferranti, J. Kober, and R. Babuška. DeepKoCo: Efficient latent planning with a task-relevant Koopman representation. In Proceedings IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 183–189, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2021. [pdf] [bib]
- P. Kulkarni, J. Kober, and R. Babuška. Tactile-based self-supervised pose estimation for robust grasping. In Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER 2020), pages 277–284, Malta, November 2021. [bib]
- T. de Haan, P. Kulkarni, and R. Babuška. Geometry-based grasping of vine tomatoes. arXiv e-prints, page arXiv:2103.01272, 2021. [pdf] [bib]
- C. Gomez, A.C. Hernandez, E. Derner, R. Barber, and R. Babuška. Object-based pose graph for dynamic indoor environments. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(4):5401–5408, 2020. [pdf] [bib]
- E. Derner, J. Kubalík, N. Ancona, and R. Babuška. Constructing parsimonious analytic models for dynamic systems via symbolic regression. Applied Soft Computing, 94:106432, 2020. [pdf] [bib]
- J. Kubalík, E. Derner, and R. Babuška. Symbolic regression driven by training data and prior knowledge. In Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO’20), pages 958–966, Cancun, Mexico, July 2020. [pdf] [bib]
- A.C. Hernandez, E. Derner, C. Gomez, R. Barber, and R. Babuška. Efficient object search through probability-based viewpoint selection. In Proceedings IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 6172–6179, Las Vegas, USA, October 2020. [pdf] [bib]
- J. Kubalík, E. Derner, and R. Babuška. Symbolic regression driven by training data and prior knowledge. arXiv e-prints, page arXiv:2004.11947, 2020. [pdf] [bib]
- B. van der Heijden, L. Ferranti, J. Kober, and R. Babuška. DeepKoCo: Efficient latent planning with an invariant Koopman representation. arXiv e-prints, page arXiv:2011.12690, 2020. [bib]
- J. van der Weijde, H. Vallery, and R. Babuška. Closed-loop control through self-sensing of a joule-heated twisted and coiled polymer muscle. Soft Robotics, 6(5):621–630, 2019. [pdf] [bib]
- Y.P. Pane, S.P. Nageshrao, J. Kober, and R. Babuška. Reinforcement learning based compensation methods for robot manipulators. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 78:236–247, 2019. [pdf] [bib]
- J. Kulhánek, E. Derner, T. de Bruin, and R. Babuška. Vision-based navigation using deep reinforcement learning. In Proceedings 2019 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), pages 1–8, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2019. [pdf] [bib]
- E. Derner, C. Gomez, A.C. Hernandez, R. Barber, and R. Babuška. Towards life-long autonomy of mobile robots through feature-based change detection. In Proceedings 2019 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), pages 1–6, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2019. [pdf] [bib]
- E. Alibekov, J. Kubalík, and R. Babuška. Proxy functions for approximate reinforcement learning. IFAC PapersOnLine, 52(11):224–229, 2019. [pdf] [bib]
- C.F. Verdier, R. Babuška, B. Shyrokau, and Jr. M. Mazo. Near optimal control with reachability and safety guarantees. IFAC PapersOnLine, 52(11):230–235, 2019. [pdf] [bib]
- Jiří Kubalík, Jan Žegklitz, Erik Derner, and Robert Babuška. Symbolic regression methods for reinforcement learning. arXiv e-prints, page arXiv:1903.09688, 2019. [pdf] [bib]
- Erik Derner, Jiří Kubalík, Nicola Ancona, and Robert Babuška. Symbolic regression for constructing analytic models in reinforcement learning. arXiv e-prints, page arXiv:1903.11483, 2019. [pdf] [bib]
- R. Škoviera, K. Štepánová, M. Tesař, G. Šejnová, J. Sedlář, M. Vavrečka, R. Babuška, and J. Šivic. Teaching robots to imitate a human with no on-teacher sensors. what are the key challenges? arXiv e-prints, page arXiv:1901.08335, January 2019. [pdf] [bib]
- I. Koryakovskiy, M. Kudruss, H. Vallery, R. Babuška, and W. Caarls. Model-plant mismatch compensation using reinforcement learning. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 3(3):2471–2477, 2018. [pdf] [bib]
- T. de Bruin, J. Kober, K. Tuyls, and R. Babuška. Integrating state representation learning into deep reinforcement learning. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 3(3):1394–1401, 2018. [pdf] [bib]
- F. Ruelens, B.J. Claessens, S. Quaiyum, B. De Schutter, R. Babuška, and R. Belmans. Reinforcement learning applied to an electric water heater: From theory to practice. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 9(4):3792–3800, 2018. [pdf] [bib]
- K. Verbert, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. A multiple-model reliability prediction approach for condition-based maintenance. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 67(3):1364–1376, 2018. [pdf] [bib]
- E. Alibekov, J. Kubalík, and R. Babuška. Policy derivation methods for critic-only reinforcement learning in continuous action spaces. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 69:178–187, 2018. [pdf] [bib]
- D.L. Leottau, J. Ruiz-del-Solar, and R. Babuška. Decentralized reinforcement learning of robot behaviors. Artificial Intelligence, (256):130–159, 2018. [pdf] [bib]
- T. de Bruin, J. Kober, K. Tuyls, and R. Babuška. Experience selection in deep reinforcement learning for control. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 19(9):1–56, 2018. [pdf] [bib]
- E. Derner, J. Kubalík, and R. Babuška. Data-driven construction of symbolic process models for reinforcement learning. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 5105–5112, Brisbane, Australia, May 2018. [pdf] [bib]
- E. Derner, J. Kubalík, and R. Babuška. Reinforcement learning with symbolic input-output models. In Proceedings IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 3004–3009, Madrid, Spain, October 2018. [pdf] [bib]
- R. Skoviera, K. Stepanova, M. Tesar, G. Sejnova, J. Sedlar, M. Vavrecka, R. Babuska, and J. Sivic. Teaching robots to imitate a human with no on-teacher sensors. What are the key challenges? In Proceedings IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS. Intelligent Social Robots Workshop.), Madrid, Spain, October 2018. [pdf] [bib]
- T.I. Braber, C. De Wagter, G.C.H.E. de Croon, and R. Babuška. Optical-flow-based stabilization of micro air vehicles without scaling sensors. In Proceedings 10th International Micro-Air Vehicles Conference (IMAV2018), Melbourne, Australia, November 2018. [pdf] [bib]
- A. Jamshidi, S. Faghih-Roohi, S. Hajizadeh, A. Nunez, R. Babuška, R. Dollevoet, Z. Li, and B. De Schutter. A big data analysis approach for rail failure risk assessment. Risk Analysis, 37(8):1495–1507, 2017. [pdf] [bib]
- I. Koryakovskiy, M. Kudruss, R. Babuška, W. Caarls, C. Kirches, K. Mombaur, J.P. Schlöder, and H. Vallery. Benchmarking model-free and model-based optimal control. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 92:81–90, 2017. [pdf] [bib]
- K. Verbert, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Combining knowledge and historical data for system-level fault diagnosis of HVAC systems. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 59:260 – 273, 2017. [pdf] [bib]
- K. Verbert, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Timely condition-based maintenance planning for multi-component systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 159:310–321, 2017. [pdf] [bib]
- K. Verbert, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Bayesian and Dempster-Shafer reasoning for knowledge-based fault diagnosis – a comparative study. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 60:136–150, 2017. [pdf] [bib]
- T. de Bruin, K. Verbert, and R. Babuška. Railway track circuit fault diagnosis using recurrent neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 28(3):523–533, 2017. [pdf] [bib]
- F. Ruelens, B.J. Claessens, S. Vandael, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Residential demand response of thermostatically controlled loads using batch reinforcement learning. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 8(5):2149–2159, 2017. [pdf] [bib]
- Z. Hidayat, R. Babuška, A. Núñez, and B. De Schutter. Identification of distributed-parameter systems from sparse measurements. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 51:605–626, 2017. [pdf] [bib]
- R. Burger, M. Bharatheesha, M van Eert, and R. Babuška. Automated tuning and configuration of path planning algorithms. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 4371–4376, Seattle, USA, May 2017. [pdf] [bib]
- J. Kubalík, E. Alibekov, and R. Babuška. Optimal control via reinforcement learning with symbolic policy approximation. In Preprints 20th IFAC World Congress (IFAC-17), Toulouse, France, July 2017. [pdf] [bib]
- I. Koryakovskiy, H. Vallery, R. Babuška, and W. Caarls. Evaluation of physical damage associated with action selection strategies in reinforcement learning. In Preprints 20th IFAC World Congress (IFAC-17), Toulouse, France, July 2017. [pdf] [bib]
- S. Beyhan, F. Eghbal Sarabi, Zs. Lendek, and R. Babuška. Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy payload estimation and adaptive control. In Preprints 20th IFAC World Congress (IFAC-17), pages 867–872, Toulouse, France, July 2017. [pdf] [bib]
- J. Kubalík, E. Derner, and R. Babuška. Enhanced symbolic regression through local variable transformations. In Proceedings 9th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2017), pages 91–100, Madeira, Portugal, November 2017. [pdf] [bib]
- J.W. Damsteeg, S.P. Nageshrao, and R. Babuška. Model-based real-time control of a magnetic manipulator system. In Proceedings 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pages 3277–3282, Melbourne, Australia, December 2017. [pdf] [bib]
- K.A.J. Verbert, R. Tóth, and R. Babuška. Adaptive friction compensation: A globally stable approach. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 21(1):351–363, 2016. [pdf] [bib]
- L. Busoniu, A. Daniels, and R. Babuška. Online learning for optimistic planning. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 55:70–82, 2016. [pdf] [bib]
- S.P. Nageshrao, G.A.D. Lopes, D. Jeltsema, and R. Babuška. Port-Hamiltonian systems in adaptive and learning control: a survey. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61(5):1223–1238, 2016. [pdf] [bib]
- G.A.D. Lopes, B. Kersbergen, B. De Schutter, T. van den Boom, and R. Babuška. Synchronization of a class of cyclic discrete-event systems describing legged locomotion. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 26(2):225–261, 2016. [pdf] [bib]
- K. Verbert, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Fault diagnosis using spatial and temporal information with application to railway track circuits. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 56:200–211, 2016. [pdf] [bib]
- A. Berry, D. Lemus, R. Babuška, and H. Vallery. Directional singularity-robust torque control for gyroscopic actuators. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 21(6):2755–2763, 2016. [pdf] [bib]
- M. Shahbazi, R. Babuška, and G. A. D. Lopes. Unified modeling and control of walking and running on the spring-loaded inverted pendulum. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 32(5):1178–1195, 2016. [pdf] [bib]
- M. Shahbazi, U. Saranli, R. Babuška, and G.A.D. Lopes. Approximate analytical solutions to the double-stance dynamics of the lossy spring-loaded inverted pendulum. Bioinspiration & biomimetics, 12(1):016003, 2016. [pdf] [bib]
- E. Najafi, R. Babuška, and G.A.D. Lopes. A fast sampling method for estimating the domain of attraction. Nonlinear Dynamics, 86(2):823–834, 2016. [pdf] [bib]
- E. Najafi, R. Babuška, and G.A.D. Lopes. Learning sequential composition control. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 46(11):2559–2569, 2016. [bib]
- H. Modares, S.P. Nageshrao, G.A.D. Lopes, R. Babuška, and F.L. Lewis. Optimal model-free output synchronization of heterogeneous systems using off-policy reinforcement learning. Automatica, 71:334–341, 2016. [bib]
- E. Najafi, S.P. Nageshrao, G.A.D. Lopes, and R. Babuška. Learning complex behaviors via sequential composition and passivity-based control. In L. Busoniu and L. Tamas, editors, Handling Uncertainty and Networked Structure in Robot Control, volume 42 of Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, pages 53–74. Springer, 2016. [bib]
- Jiří Kubalík, Eduard Alibekov, Jan Žegklitz, and Robert Babuška. Hybrid single node genetic programming for symbolic regression. In Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Ryszard Kowalczyk, and Joaquim Filipe, editors, Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XXIV, pages 61–82. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2016. [bib]
- T. de Bruin, J. Kober, K. Tuyls, and R. Babuška. Improved deep reinforcement learning for robotics through distribution-based experience retention. In Proceedings IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2016. [pdf] [bib]
- J. Munk, J. Kober, and R. Babuška. Learning state representation for deep actor-critic control. In Proceedings 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pages 4667–4673, Las Vegas, USA, December 2016. [pdf] [bib]
- Y.P. Pane, S.P. Nageshrao, and R. Babuška. Actor-critic reinforcement learning for tracking control in robotics. In Proceedings 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pages 5819–5826, Las Vegas, USA, December 2016. [pdf] [bib]
- E. Alibekov, J. Kubalík, and R. Babuška. Symbolic method for deriving policy in reinforcement learning. In Proceedings 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pages 2789–2795, Las Vegas, USA, December 2016. [bib]
- Tim de Bruin, Jens Kober, Karl Tuyls, and Robert Babuška. Off-policy experience retention for deep actor-critic learning. In Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2016. [pdf] [bib]
- S. Faghih-Roohi, S. Hajizadeh, A. Nunez, Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Deep convolutional neural networks for detection of rail surface defects. In Proceedings 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pages 2584–2589, July 2016. [bib]
- Ali Jamshidi, Shahrzad Faghih Roohi, Alfredo Nunez, Robert Babuška, Bart De Schutter, Rolf Dollevoet, and Zili Li. Probabilistic defect-based risk assessment approach for rail failures in railway infrastructure. In Proceedings 14th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, pages 73–77, Istanbul, Turkey, May 2016. [bib]
- E. Alibekov, J. Kubalík, and R. Babuška. Policy derivation methods for critic-only reinforcement learning in continuous action spaces. In Proceedings 4th IFAC Conference on Intelligent Control and Automation Sciences (ICONS), pages 285–290, Reims, France, June 2016. [bib]
- N. Mol, J. Smisek, R. Babuška, and A. Schiele. Nested compliant admittance control for robotic mechanical assembly of misaligned and tightly toleranced parts. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, pages 2392–2397, Budapest, Hungary, October 2016. [bib]
- H. Satyavada, R. Babuška, and S. Baldi. Integrated dynamic modelling and multivariable control of HVAC components. In Proceedings 2016 European Control Conference, pages 1171–1176, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2016. [bib]
- S. Gupta, S. Macheri Ravishankar, M. Griffioen, R. Babuska, , and T. Klem. Hip fracture reduction robot. In Proceeding 6th Joint Workshop on New Technologies for Computer/Robot Assisted Surgery (CRAS 2016), Pisa, Italy, September 2016. [bib]
- D.L. Leottau, A. Vatsyayan, J. Ruiz del Solar, and R. Babuška. Decentralized reinforcement learning applied to mobile robots. In Proceedings 20th RoboCup International Symposium, Leipzig, Germany, July 2016. [pdf] [bib]
- Z. Cong, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Co-design of traffic network topology and control measures. Transportation Research Part C, 54:56–73, May 2015. [pdf] [bib]
- O. Sprangers, R. Babuška, S.P. Nageshrao, and G.A.D. Lopes. Reinforcement learning for port-Hamiltonian systems. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 45(5):1003–1013, May 2015. [bib]
- W. Wolfslag, M. Plooij, R. Babuška, and M. Wisse. Learning robustly stable open-loop motions for robotic manipulation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 66:27–34, April 2015. [bib]
- M. Shahbazi, R. Babuška, and G.A.D. Lopes. Analytical approximation for the double-stance phase of a walking robot. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 5754–5760, Seattle, USA, May 2015. [bib]
- T. Wensveen, L. Busoniu, and R. Babuška. Real-time optimistic planning with action sequences. In 20th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS), pages 923–930, May 2015. [bib]
- J.L. Verboom, S. Tijmons, C. De Wagter, B. Remes, R. Babuška, and G.C.H.E. de Croon. Attitude and altitude estimation and control on board a flapping wing micro air vehicle. In Proceedings 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 5846–5851, May 2015. [bib]
- T. de Bruin, J. Kober, K. Tuyls, and R. Babuška. The importance of experience replay database composition in deep reinforcement learning. In Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2015. [pdf] [bib]
- S.P. Nageshrao, G.A.D. Lopes, D. Jeltsema, and R. Babuška. Control by interconnection of a manipulator arm using reinforcement learning. In Proceedings 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC), pages 47–52, 2015. [bib]
- E. Najafi, R. Babuška, and G.A.D. Lopes. An application of sequential composition control to cooperative systems. In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control, pages 15–20, 2015. [bib]
- K. Verbert, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Exploiting spatial and temporal dependencies to enhance fault diagnosis: Application to railway track circuits. In Proceedings 2015 European Control Conference, pages 3052–3057, Linz, Austria, 2015. [bib]
- K. Verbert, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Reasoning under uncertainty for knowledge-based fault diagnosis: A comparative study. In Proceedings 9th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes, pages 422–427, Paris, France, 2015. [bib]
- J. Kubalík and R. Babuška. An improved single node genetic programming for symbolic regression. In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, pages 244–251, Lisbon, Portugal, November 2015. [bib]
- G.A.D. Lopes, B. Kersbergen, T.J.J. van den Boom, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Modeling and control of legged locomotion via switching max-plus models. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 30(3):652–665, 2014. [pdf] [bib]
- P. Stano, A.K. Tilton, and R. Babuška. Estimation of the soil-dependent time-varying parameters of the hopper sedimentation model: the fpf versus the bpf. Control Engineering Practice, 24:67–78, 2014. [bib]
- P.M Stano, A.J. den Dekker, Zs. Lendek, and R. Babuška. Convex saturated particle filter. Automatica, 50(10):2494–2503, 2014. [bib]
- J.C. van Rooijen, I. Grondman, and R. Babuška. Learning rate free reinforcement learning for real-time motion control using value-gradient based policy. Mechatronics, 24:966–974, 2014. [pdf] [bib]
- S.P. Nageshrao, G.A.D. Lopes, D. Jeltsema, and R. Babuška. Passivity-based reinforcement learning control of a 2-DOF manipulator arm. Mechatronics, 24:1001–1007, 2014. [bib]
- B. Depraetere, M. Liu, G. Pinte, I. Grondman, and R. Babuška. Comparison of model-free and model-based methods for time optimal hit control of a badminton robot. Mechatronics, 24:1021–1030, 2014. [bib]
- M. Abouheaf, F.L. Lewis, K. Vamvoudakis, S. Haesaert, and R. Babuška. Multi-agent discrete-time graphical games and reinforcement learning solutions. Automatica, 50(12):3038–3053, 2014. [bib]
- S.P. Nageshrao, G.A.D. Lopes, D. Jeltsema, and R. Babuška. Interconnection and damping assignment control via reinforcement learning. In Preprints 19th IFAC World Congress (IFAC-14), pages 1760–1765, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2014. [bib]
- M. Shahbazi, G.A.D. Lopes, and R. Babuška. Automated transitions between walking and running in legged robots. In Preprints 19th IFAC World Congress (IFAC-14), pages 2171–2176, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2014. [bib]
- E. Najafi, G.A.D. Lopes, and R. Babuška. Balancing a legged robot using state-dependent riccati equation control. In Preprints 19th IFAC World Congress (IFAC-14), pages 2177–2182, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2014. [bib]
- J.-M. Engel and R. Babuška. On-line reinforcement learning for nonlinear motion control: Quadratic and non-quadratic reward functions. In Preprints 19th IFAC World Congress (IFAC-14), pages 7043–7048, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2014. [bib]
- Y.E. Bayiz and R. Babuška. Nonlinear disturbance compensation and reference tracking via reinforcement learning with fuzzy approximators. In Preprints 19th IFAC World Congress (IFAC-14), pages 5393–5398, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2014. [bib]
- Z. Cong, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Co-optimization of topology design and parameterized control in a traffic network. In Proceedings 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 2014. Paper 14-2951. [bib]
- E. Najafi, G.A.D. Lopes, S.P. Nageshrao, and R. Babuška. Rapid learning in sequential composition control. In Proceedings of the 53rd IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control, pages 5171–5176, 2014. [bib]
- P.M Stano, Zs. Lendek, and R. Babuška. Saturated particle filter: almost sure convergence and improved resampling. Automatica, 49(1):147–159, 2013. [bib]
- A. Simonetto, T. Keviczky, and R. Babuška. Constrained distributed algebraic connectivity maximization in robotic networks. Automatica, 49(5):1348–1357, 2013. [bib]
- Pawel Stano, Zsófia Lendek, Jelmer Braaksma, Robert Babuška, Cees de Keizer, and Arnold J. den Dekker. Parametric Bayesian filters for nonlinear stochastic dynamical systems: A survey. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 43(6):1607–1624, 2013. [bib]
- Zs. Lendek, P. Raica, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Analysis and design for continuous-time string-connected TS systems. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 351(7):3577–3592, 2013. [pdf] [bib]
- Z. Cong, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Ant colony routing algorithm for freeway networks. Transportation Research Part C, 37:1–19, 2013. [pdf] [bib]
- S. Koekebakker, M. Ezzeldin, A. Khalate, R. Babuška, X. Bombois, P. van den Bosch, G. Scorletti, S. Weiland, H. Wijshoff, R. Waarsing, and W. de Zeeuw. Piezo printhead control: Jetting any drop at any time. In T. Basten, R. Hamberg, F. Reckers, and J. Verriet, editors, Model-Based Design of Adaptive Embedded Systems, volume 22 of Embedded Systems, pages 41–85. Springer, 2013. [bib]
- A. Simonetto, T. Keviczky, and R. Babuška. Distributed algebraic connectivity maximization for robotic networks: A heuristic approach. In A. Martinoli, F. Mondada, N. Correll, G. Mermoud, M. Egerstedt, M. A. Hsieh, L. E. Parker, and K. Stoy, editors, Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems, volume 83 of STAR, pages 267–279. Springer, 2013. [bib]
- L. Busoniu, A. Daniels, R. Munos, and R. Babuška. Optimistic planning for continuous-action deterministic systems. In Proceedings 2013 IEEE Symposium on Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning (ADPRL-13), pages 69–76, Singapore, April 2013. [bib]
- Melody Liu, Bruno Depraetere, Gregory Pinte, Ivo Grondman, and Robert Babuška. Model-free and model-based time-optimal control of a badminton robot. In Proceedings 9th Asian Control Conference, pages 1–6, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2013. [bib]
- Selami Beyhan, Zsófia Lendek, Musa Alci, and R. Babuška. Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy observer and extended Kalman filter for adaptive payload estimation. In Proceedings 9th Asian Control Conference, pages 1–6, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2013. [bib]
- Zhe Cong, Bart De Schutter, and Robert Babuška. Optimal routing in freeway networks via sequential linear programming. In Proceedings 10th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC), pages 424–429, Paris, France, April 2013. [bib]
- Z. Cong, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. On the convergence of ant colony optimization with stench pheromone. In Proceedings IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), pages 1876–1883, Cancún, Mexico, June 2013. [bib]
- J. Pen, W. Caarls, M. Wisse, and R. Babuška. Evolutionary co-optimization of control and system parameters for a resonating robot arm. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 4180–4187, Karlsruhe, Germany, May 2013. [bib]
- C. Wang, K.V. Hindriks, and R. Babuška. Robot learning and use of affordances in goal-directed tasks. In Proceedings 2013 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 2288–2294, Tokyo, Japan, November 2013. [bib]
- M. Abouheaf, F.L. Lewis, S. Haesaert, K. Vamvoudakis, and R. Babuška. Multi-agent discrete-time graphical games: Interactive nash equilibrium and value iteration solution. In Proceedings 2013 American Control Conference (ACC), pages 4189–4195, Washington, DC, USA, June 2013. [bib]
- M. Shahbazi, G.A.D. Lopes, and R. Babuška. Observer-based postural balance control for humanoid robots. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), pages 891–896, Shenzhen, China, December 2013. [bib]
- E. Najafi, G.A.D. Lopes, and R. Babuška. Reinforcement learning for sequential composition control. In Proceedings IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 7265–7270, Florence, Italy, December 2013. [bib]
- S. Adam, L. Busoniu, and R. Babuška. Experience replay for real-time reinforcement learning control. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Part C: Applications and Reviews, 42(2):201–212, 2012. [bib]
- S. Wang, W. Chaovalitwongse, and R. Babuška. Machine learning algorithms in bipedal robot control. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Part C: Applications and Reviews, 42(5):728–743, 2012. [bib]
- I. Grondman, M. Vaandrager, L. Busoniu, R. Babuška, and E. Schuitema. Efficient model learning methods for actor–critic control. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, 42(3):591–602, 2012. [bib]
- I. Grondman, L. Busoniu, G.A.D. Lopes, and R. Babuška. A survey of actor-critic reinforcement learning: Standard and natural policy gradients. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Part C: Applications and Reviews, 42(6):1291–1307, 2012. [bib]
- A.A. Khalate, X. Bombois, G. Scorletti, R. Babuška, S. Koekebakker, and W. de Zeeuw. A waveform design method for a piezo inkjet printhead based on robust feedforward control. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 21(6):1365–1374, 2012. [bib]
- A.A. Khalate, X. Bombois, S. Ye, , R. Babuška, and S. Koekebakker. Minimization of cross-talk in a piezo inkjet printhead based on system identification and feedforward control. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 22(11):115035, 2012. [bib]
- L. Busoniu, A. Lazaric, M. Ghavamzadeh, R. Munos, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Least-squares methods for policy iteration. In M. Wiering and M. van Otterlo, editors, Reinforcement Learning: State of the Art, Adaptation, Learning, and Optimization, pages 75–109. Springer, 2012. [bib]
- L. Busoniu, R. Munos, and R. Babuška. A survey of optimistic planning in markov decision processes. In F.L. Lewis and D. Liu, editors, Reinforcement Learning and Adaptive Dynamic Programming for Feedback Control, Series on Computational Intelligence, pages 494–516. Wiley, 2012. [bib]
- S. Bindiganavile Nagesh, Zs. Lendek, A.A. Khalate, and R. Babuška. Adaptive fuzzy observer and robust controller for a 2-DOF robot arm. In Proceedings 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pages 1–7, Brisbane, Australia, June 2012. [bib]
- M. Alirezaei, T. J. J. van den Boom, and R. Babuška. Max-plus algebra for optimal scheduling of multiple sheets in a printer. In Proceedings 2012 American Control Conference (ACC), pages 1973–1978, June 2012. [bib]
- I. Grondman, L. Busoniu, and R. Babuška. Model learning actor-critic algorithms: Performance evaluation in a motion control task. In Proceedings IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 5272–5277, (Maui, USA, December 2012. [bib]
- M. Vaandrager, R. Babuška, L. Busoniu, and G. Lopes. Imitation learning with non-parametric regression. In Proceedings 2012 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR-12), pages 91 –96, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 2012. [bib]
- Z. Hidayat, A. Nunez, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Identification of distributed-parameter systems with missing data. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), pages 1014–1019, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 2012. [bib]
- L. Busoniu, D. Ernst, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Cross-entropy optimization of control policies with adaptive basis functions. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics–-Part B: Cybernetics, 41(1):196–209, 2011. [bib]
- Zs. Lendek, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Sequential stability analysis and observer design for distributed TS fuzzy systems. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 174(1):1–30, 2011. [pdf] [bib]
- A.A. Khalate, X.J.A. Bombois, R. Babuška, H. Wijshoff, and R. Waarsing. Performance improvement of a drop-on-demand inkjet printhead using an optimization-based feedforward control method. Control Engineering Practice, 19:771–781, 2011. [bib]
- Zs. Lendek, J. Lauber, T.-M. Guerra, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Erratum: Adaptive observers for TS fuzzy systems with unknown polynomial inputs (fuzzy sets and systems (2010) 161 (2043-2065)). Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 171(1):106–107, 2011. [bib]
- L. Busoniu, D. Ernst, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Approximate reinforcement learning: An overview. In Proceedings 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning (ADPRL-11), pages 1–8, Paris, France, April 2011. [bib]
- L. Busoniu, R. Munos, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Optimistic planning for sparsely stochastic systems. In Proceedings 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning (ADPRL-11), pages 48–55, Paris, France, April 2011. [bib]
- P. Stano, Zs. Lendek, and R. Babuška. Saturated particle filter. In Proceedings American Control Conference, pages 1819–1824, San Francisco, 2011. [bib]
- A.A. Khalate, B. Bayon, X.J.A. Bombois, G. Scorletti, and R. Babuška. Drop-on-demand inkjet printhead performance improvement using robust feedforward control. In Proceedings IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, pages 4183–4188, Orlando, USA, December 2011. [bib]
- A.A. Khalate, X. Bombois, R. Babuška, G. Scorletti, S. Koekebakker, H. Wijshoff, W. de Zeeuw, and R. Waarsing. Performance improvement of a drop-on-demand inkjet printhead: a feedforward control based approach. In Proceedings 27th International conference on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP 27), Minnepolis, USA, October 2011. [bib]
- A.A. Khalate, X.J.A. Bombois, G. Scorletti, R. Babuška, R. Waarsing, and W. de Zeeuw. Robust feedforward control for a drop-on-demand inkjet printhead. In Proceedings 18th IFAC World Congress (IFAC-11), pages 5795–5800, Milan, Italy, August 2011. [bib]
- Ivo Grondman, Maarten Vaandrager, Lucian Busoniu, Robert Babuška, and Erik Schuitema. Actor-critic control with reference model learning. In 18th IFAC World Congress (IFAC-11), pages 14723–14728, Milan, Italy, August 2011. [bib]
- Sholeh Norouzzadeh, Lucian Busoniu, and Robert Babuška. Efficient knowledge transfer in shaping reinforcement learning. In Proceedings 18th IFAC World Congress (IFAC-11), pages 8981–8986, Milan, Italy, August 2011. [bib]
- Zs. Lendek, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Stability analysis and observer design for string-connected TS systems. In Proceedings 18th IFAC World Congress (IFAC-11), pages 12795–12800, Milan, Italy, August 2011. [bib]
- J.M. van Ast, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Convergence analysis of ant colony learning. In Proceedings 18th IFAC World Congress (IFAC-11), pages 14693–14698, Milan, Italy, August 2011. [bib]
- B. Kersbergen, G.A.D. Lopes, T.J.J. van den Boom, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Optimal gait switching for legged locomotion. In Proceedings 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’11), pages 2729–2734, San Francisco, California, September 2011. [bib]
- G.A.D. Lopes, B. Kersbergen, T. van den Boom, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. On the eigenstructure of a class of max-plus linear systems. In Proceedings of the 2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC), pages 1823–1828, Orlando, Florida, December 2011. [bib]
- Z. Hidayat, R. Babuška, B. De Schutter, and A. Núñez. Decentralized Kalman filter comparison for distributed-parameter systems: A case study for a 1D heat conduction process. In Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’2011), pages 1–8, Toulouse, France, September 2011. [bib]
- Z. Hidayat, R. Babuška, B. De Schutter, and A. Núñez. Observers for linear distributed-parameter systems: A survey. In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE 2011), pages 166–171, Montreal, Canada, September 2011. [bib]
- A. Simonetto, T. Keviczky, and R. Babuška. On distributed maximization of algebraic connectivity in robotic networks. In Proceedings Americal Control Conference, pages 2180–2185, San Fransisco, USA, June 2011. [bib]
- Z. Cong, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. A new ant colony routing approach with a trade-off between system and user optimum. In Proceedings 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems – ITSC 2011, pages 1369–1374, Washington, DC, USA, October 2011. [bib]
- S. Beyhan, Zs. Lendek, R. Babuška, M. Wisse, and M. Alci. Adaptive fuzzy and sliding-mode control of a robot manipulator with varying payload. In Proceedings of the 2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC), pages 8291–8296, Orlando, Florida, December 2011. [bib]
- L. Busoniu, R. Babuška, Bart De Schutter, and Damien Ernst. Reinforcement Learning and Dynamic Programming Using Function Approximators. Automation and Control Engineering Series. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 2010. [bib]
- R. Babuška and F.C.A. Groen, editors. Interactive Collaborative Information Systems, volume 281 of Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer, 2010. [bib]
- Zs. Lendek, T. M. Guerra, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Stability Analysis and Nonlinear Observer Design Using Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Models, volume 262 of Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. Springer, 2010. [bib]
- L. Busoniu, D. Ernst, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Approximate dynamic programming with a fuzzy parameterization. Automatica, 46(5):804–814, 2010. [bib]
- K.M. van Schagen, L.C. Rietveld, A.M.J. Veersma, and R. Babuška. Control-design methodology for drinking-water treatment processes. Water science and technology: Water Supply, 10(2):121–127, 2010. [bib]
- Zs. Lendek, J. Lauber, T.-M. Guerra, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Adaptive observers for TS fuzzy systems with unknown polynomial inputs. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 161(15):2043–2065, 2010. [bib]
- Zs. Lendek, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Stability bounds for fuzzy estimation and control. Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, 12(3):3–12, 2010. [bib]
- A.A. Alvarez Cabrera, M.J. Foeken, O.A. Tekin, K. Woestenenk, M.S. Erden, B. De Schutter, M.J.L. van Tooren, R. Babuška, F.J.A.M. van Houten, and T. Tomiyama. Towards automation of control software: A review of challenges in mechatronic design. Mechatronics, 20(8):876–886, 2010. [bib]
- A. Cara, H. Pomares, I. Rojas, Zs. Lendek, and R. Babuška. Online self-evolving fuzzy controller with global learning capabilities. Evolving Systems, 1:225–239, 2010. [bib]
- Lucian Busoniu, Bart De Schutter, Robert Babuška, and Damien Ernst. Exploiting policy knowledge in online least-squares policy iteration: An empirical study. Automation, Computers, Applied Mathematics, 19(4):521–529, 2010. [bib]
- L. Busoniu, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Approximate dynamic programming and reinforcement learning. In R. Babuška and F.C.A. Groen, editors, Interactive Collaborative Information Systems, volume 281 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, pages 3–44. Springer, 2010. [bib]
- J.M. van Ast, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Ant colony learning algorithm for optimal control. In R. Babuška and F.C.A. Groen, editors, Interactive Collaborative Information Systems, volume 281 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, pages 155–182. Springer, 2010. [bib]
- L. Busoniu, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Multi-agent reinforcement learning: An overview. In D. Srinivasan and L. Jain, editors, Innovations in Multi-Agent Systems and Applications, pages 183–221. Springer, 2010. [bib]
- A. Simonetto, T. Keviczky, and R. Babuška. Distributed nonlinear estimation for robot localization using weighted consensus. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 3026–3031, Anchorage, USA, May 2010. [bib]
- A. Simonetto, T. Keviczky, and R. Babuška. Distributed algebraic connectivity maximization for robotic networks: A heuristic approach. In Proceedings IEEE 10th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotics Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland, November 2010. [bib]
- A.A. Khalate, X. Bombois, and R. Babuška. Optimization-based feedforward control design for a drop-on-demand inkjet printhead. In Proceedings 2010 American Control Conference, pages 2182–2187, Baltimore, USA, June 2010. [bib]
- Zs. Lendek, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Fuzzy models and observers for freeway traffic state tracking. In Proceedings 2010 American Control Conference, pages 2278–2283, Baltimore, USA, June 2010. [bib]
- L. Busoniu, D. Ernst, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Online least-squares policy iteration for reinforcement learning control. In Proceedings 2010 American Control Conference, pages 486–491, Baltimore, USA, June 2010. [bib]
- A. Sheta, E. Oznergiz, M.A. Abdelrahman, and R. Babuška. Modeling of hot rolling industrial process using fuzzy logic. In Proceedings 2010 American Control Conference, pages –, Baltimore, USA, June 2010. [bib]
- E. Schuitema, L. Busoniu, R. Babuška, and P. Jonker. Control delay in reinforcement learning for real-time dynamic systems: A memoryless approach. In Proceedings 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-10)., pages 3226–3231, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2010. [bib]
- Zs. Lendek, T.-M. Guerra, and R. Babuška. On non-PDC local observers for TS fuzzy systems. In Proceedings IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pages 2436–2442, Barcelona, Spain, July 2010. [bib]
- A.B. Cara, Zs. Lendek, R. Babuška, H. Pomares, and I. Rojas. Online self-organizing adaptive fuzzy controller: application to a nonlinear servo system. In Proceedings IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pages 2491–2498, Barcelona, Spain, July 2010. [bib]
- J. van Ast, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Generalized pheromone update for ant colony learning in continuous state spaces. In Proceedings IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pages 2617–2624, Barcelona, Spain, July 2010. [bib]
- Pawel Stano, Zsófia Lendek, Robert Babuška, Jelmer Braaksma, and Cees de Keizer. Particle filters for the estimation of the average grain diameter of the material excavated by a hopper dredger. In Proceedings 2010 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, pages 292–297, Yokohama, Japan, September 2010. [bib]
- Z. Hidayat, Zs. Lendek, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Fuzzy observer for state estimation of the METANET traffic model. In Proceedings 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2010), pages 19–24, Madeira, Portugal, September 2010. [bib]
- D. Alves, J. van Ast, Z. Cong, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Ant colony optimization for traffic dispersion routing. In Proceedings 13thInternational IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2010), pages 683–688, Madeira Island, Portugal, September 2010. [bib]
- D. van der Lijn, G.A.D. Lopes, and R. Babuška. Motion estimation based on predator/prey vision. In Proceedings International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2010, pages 3435–3440, 2010. [bib]
- G.A.D. Lopes, T.J.J. van den Boom, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Modeling and control of legged locomotion via switching max-plus systems. In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES 2010), pages 392–397, Berlin, Germany, August–September 2010. [bib]
- Lucian Busoniu, Bart De Schutter, Robert Babuška, and Damien Ernst. Using prior knowledge to accelerate online least-squares policy iteration. In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR-10), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 2010. [bib]
- Zs. Lendek, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Stability bounds for fuzzy estimation and control –- Part I: State estimation. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, pages 1–6, Cluj, Romania, May 2010. [bib]
- Zs. Lendek, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Stability bounds for fuzzy estimation and control –- Part II: Output-feedback control. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, pages 1–6, Cluj, Romania, May 2010. [bib]
- Zs. Lendek, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Stability of cascaded fuzzy systems and observers. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 17(3):641–653, 2009. [bib]
- J.M. van Ast, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Novel ant colony optimization approach to optimal control. International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, 2(3):414–434, 2009. [bib]
- K.M. van Schagen, L.C. Rietveld, A.M.J. Veersma, and R. Babuška. Model-based pH monitor for sensor assessment. Water science and technology, 60(3):4709–715, 2009. [bib]
- L. Busoniu, D. Ernst, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Policy search with cross-entropy optimization of basis functions. In Proceedings 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning (ADPRL-09), pages 153–160, Nashville, US, 30 March – 2 April 2009. [bib]
- J.M. van Ast, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Fuzzy ant colony optimization for optimal control. In Proceedings American Control Conference (ACC 2009), pages 1003–1008, Saint Louis, MO, USA, June 2009. [bib]
- O.A. Tekin, R. Babuška, T. Tomiyama, and B. De Schutter. Toward a flexible control design framework to automatically generate control code for mechatronic systems. In Proceedings American Control Conference (ACC 2009), pages 4933–4938, Saint Louis, MO, USA, June 2009. [bib]
- A.A. Khalate, X. Bombois, R. Tóth, and R. Babuška. Optimal experimental design for LPV identification using a local approach. In Proceedings 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID09), pages 162–167, Saint-Malo, France, July 2009. [bib]
- K.M. van Schagen, R. Babuška, L.C. Rietveld, and A.M.J. Veersma. Model-based dosing control of a pellet softening reactor. In Proceedings International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes – ADCHEM’09, pages 4933–4938, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2009. [bib]
- G.A.D. Lopes, R. Babuška, B. De Schutter, and A.J.J. van den Boom. Switching max-plus models for legged locomotion. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, pages 221–226, Guilin, China, December 2009. [bib]
- M. Vaandrager, R. Babuška, L. Busoniu, and G. Lopes. Model-based imitation for learning control. In Proceedings Philips Conference on Applications of Control Technology (PACT-09), pages 83–87, Hilvarenbeek, The Netherlands, February 2009. [bib]
- Xavier Bombois Amol A. Khalate and Robert Babuška. Improving the performance of a drop-on-demand inkjet printhead. In 28th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Spa, Belgium, March 16-18, 2009, 2009. [bib]
- Zs. Lendek, R. Babuška, J. Braaksma, and C. de Keizer. Decentralized estimation of overflow losses in a hopper-dredger. Control Engineering Practice, 16(4):392–406, 2008. [bib]
- Zs. Lendek, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Distributed kalman filtering for cascaded systems. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 21(3):457–469, 2008. [bib]
- L. Busoniu, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. A comprehensive survey of multi-agent reinforcement learning. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Part C: Applications and Reviews, 38(2):156–172, 2008. [bib]
- D. Bellomo, D. Naso, and R. Babuška. Adaptive fuzzy control of a non-linear servo-drive: theory and experimental results. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 21(6):846–857, 2008. [bib]
- K.M. van Schagen, L.C. Rietveld, and R. Babuška. Dynamic modelling for optimisation of pellet softening. Journal of Water Supply: Reasearch and Technology–AQUA, 57(1):45–56, 2008. [bib]
- K.M. van Schagen, L.C. Rietveld, R. Babuška, and E. Baars. Control of the fluidised bed in the pellet softening process. Chemical Engineering Science, 63(5):1390–1400, 2008. [bib]
- K.M. van Schagen, L.C. Rietveld, R. Babuška, and O.J.I. Kramer. Model-based operational constraints for fluidised bed crystallisation. Water Research, 42(1–2):327–337, 2008. [bib]
- H. Hashemi, A. Javaherian, and R. Babuška. A semi-supervised method to detect seismic random noise with fuzzy GK clustering. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, (5):457–468, 2008. [bib]
- A. Popov, A. Hegyi, R. Babuška, and H. Werner. Distributed controller design approach to dynamic speed limit control against shockwaves on freeways. Transportation Research Record, (2008):93–99, 2008. [bib]
- Lucian Busoniu, Damien Ernst, Bart De Schutter, and Robert Babuška. Continuous-state reinforcement learning with fuzzy approximation. In Karl Tuyls, Ann Nowé, Zahia Guessoum, and Daniel Kudenko, editors, Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agent Systems III, volume 4865 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 27–43. Springer, 2008. [bib]
- L.I. Busoniu, D. Ernst, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Fuzzy partition optimization for approximate fuzzy Q-iteration. In Preprints 17th IFAC World Congress, pages 5629–5634, Seoul, Korea, July 2008. [bib]
- Zs. Lendek, K.M. van Schagen, R. Babuška, A.M.J. Veersma, and B. De Schutter. Cascaded parameter estimation for a water treatment plant using particle filters. In Preprints 17th IFAC World Congress, pages 10857–10862, Seoul, Korea, July 2008. [bib]
- A. Popov, R. Babuška, A. Hegyi, and H. Werner. Distributed controller design for dynamic speed limit control against shock waves on freeways. In Preprints 17th IFAC World Congress, pages 14060–14065, Seoul, Korea, July 2008. [bib]
- W. Susanto, R. Babuška, F. Liefhebberand, and T. van der Weiden. Adaptive friction compensation: Application to a robotic manipulator. In Preprints 17th IFAC World Congress, pages 2020–2024, Seoul, Korea, July 2008. [bib]
- J.M. van Ast and R. Babuška B. De Schutter. Particle swarms in optimization and control. In Preprints 17th IFAC World Congress, pages 5131–5136, Seoul, Korea, July 2008. [bib]
- X. Yuan, L.I. Busoniu, and R. Babuška. Reinforcement learning for elevator control. In Preprints 17th IFAC World Congress, pages 2212–2217, Seoul, Korea, July 2008. [bib]
- Lucian Busoniu, Damien Ernst, Bart De Schutter, and Robert Babuška. Consistency of fuzzy model-based reinforcement learning. In Proceedings 2008 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE-08), pages 518–524, Hong Kong, China, June 2008. [bib]
- Zs. Lendek, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Stability analysis and observer design for decentralized TS fuzzy systems. In Proceedings 2008 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE-08), pages 631–636, Hong Kong, China, June 2008. [bib]
- J.M. van Ast, R. Babuška, and B. DeSchutter. Ant colony optimization for optimal control. In Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 3796–3801, Hong Kong, China, June 2008. [bib]
- J.M. van Ast, R. Babuška, and B. DeSchutter. A general modeling framework for swarms. In Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Hong Kong, China, June 2008. [bib]
- Kim van Schagen, P. Ross, L.C. Rietveld, and R. Babuška. Model parameter and state estimation for a full-scale water treatment plant using process disturbances during normal operation. In Proceedings SIDISA 08, Florence, Italy, June 2008. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Complexity management in fuzzy systems: A rule base compression approach (book review). IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 2(4):42–43, 2007. [bib]
- J. Braaksma, J.B. Klaassens, R. Babuška, and C. de Keizer. A computationally efficient model for predicting overflow mixture density in a hopper dredger. Terra et Aqua, 106(16):16–25, 2007. [bib]
- Lucian Busoniu, Damien Ernst, Bart De Schutter, and Robert Babuška. Fuzzy approximation for convergent model-based reinforcement learning. In Proceedings 2007 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE-07), pages 968–973, London, UK, 23–26 July 2007. [bib]
- Lucian Busoniu, Damien Ernst, Bart De Schutter, and Robert Babuška. Continuous-state reinforcement learning with fuzzy approximation. In Adaptive Learning Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (ALAMAS-07) Symposium, pages 21–35, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2–3 April 2007. [bib]
- J. Braaksma, R. Babuška, J.B. Klaassens, and C. de Keizer. Model predictive control for optimizing the overall dredging performance of a trailing suction hopper dredger. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth World Dredging Congress (WODCON XVIII), pages 1263–1274, Lake Buena Vista, USA, May 2007. [bib]
- J. Braaksma, J. Osnabrugge, R. Babuška, C. Keizer, and J.B. Klaassens. Artificial intelligence on board of dredgers for optimal land reclamation. In CEDA Dredging Days 2007, 2007. [bib]
- D. Wangli, J. Braaksma, R. Babuška, J.B. Klaassens, and C. de Keizer. Evaluation of dredging performance in a trailing suction hopper dredger. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth World Dredging Congress (WODCON XVIII), pages 1275–1284, Lake Buena Vista, USA, May 2007. [bib]
- Zs. Lendek, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Distributed kalman filtering for multi-agent systems. In Proceedings ECC’07, volume 1, pages 2193–2200, Kos, Greece, July 2007. [bib]
- Zs. Lendek, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. Stability of cascaded Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy systems. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, volume 1, pages 505–510, London, UK, July 2007. [bib]
- Zs. Lendek, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. TS fuzzy controllers for cascaded systems. In T. M. Guerra, editor, Proceedings of 3rd IFAC Workshop on Advanced Fuzzy and Neural Control, pages 1–6, October 2007. [bib]
- K.M. van Schagen, R. Babuška, L.C. Rietveld, and E. Baars. Optimal flow distribution over multiple parallel pellet reactors: a model-based approach. Water Science & Technology, 53(4–5):493–501, 2006. [bib]
- M. Oosterom and R. Babuška. Design of a gain-scheduling mechanism for flight control laws by fuzzy clustering. Control Engineering Practice, 14:769–781, 2006. [bib]
- K. Maertens, J. De Baerdemaeker, and R. Babuška. Genetic polynomial regression as input selection algorithm for non-linear identification. Soft Computing, 10(9):785–795, 2006. [bib]
- W.A. Halang, R. Sanz, R. Babuška, and H. Roth. Information and communication technology embraces control: Status report prepared by the ifac coordinating committee on computers, cognition and communication. Annual Reviews in Control, 30(1):31–40, 2006. [bib]
- X. Meng, R. Babuška, Y. Chen, and L. Busoniu. Multiagent reinforcement learning algorithm research based on non markov environment. International Journal of Information Technology, 12(6):60–68, 2006. [bib]
- J.M. van Ast and R. Babuška. Dynamic exploration in Q(lambda)-learning. In Proceedings IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pages 41–46, Vancouver, Canada, July 2006. [bib]
- S. Wang, J. Braaksma, R. Babuška, and D. Hobbelen. Reinforcement learning control for biped robot walking on uneven surfaces. In Proceedings IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pages 4173–4178, Vancouver, Canada, July 2006. [bib]
- M. Oosterom and R. Babuška. Virtual sensor for the angle-of-attack signal in small commercial aircraft. In Proceedings IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pages 1396–1403, Vancouver, Canada, July 2006. [bib]
- R. Babuška, J.M. van Ast, and S. Mešic. A fuzzy-logic system for detecting oscillations in control loops. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 6660–6665, Vancouver, Canada, July 2006. [bib]
- R. Hallouzi, M. Verhaegen, R. Babuška, and S. Kanev. Model weight and state estimation for multiple model systems applied to fault detection and identification. In Proceedings 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, SYSID’06, Newcastle, Australia, March 2006. [bib]
- D. Bellomo, R. Babuška, and D. Naso. Adaptive fuzzy control for speed-reference tracking in nonlinear servo drives. In Proceedings 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, SYSID’06, Newcastle, Australia, March 2006. [bib]
- J. Braaksma, B. Klaassens, R. Babuška, and C. de Keizer. Hybrid control design for a robot manipulator in a shield tunneling machine. In J. Braz, H. Araujo, A. Vieira, and B. Encarnacao, editors, Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics I, pages 143–150. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2006. [bib]
- R. Babuška, Zs. Lendek, J. Braaksma, and C. de Keizer. Particle filtering for on-line estimation of overflow losses in a hopper dredger. In Proceedings 2006 American Control Conference, pages 5751–5756, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, June 2006. [bib]
- Robert Babuška, Lucian Busoniu, and Bart De Schutter. Reinforcement learning for multi-agent systems. In Proceedings 11th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA-06), Prague, Czech Republic, September 2006. [bib]
- Lucian Busoniu, Robert Babuška, and Bart De Schutter. Multi-agent reinforcement learning: A survey. In Proceedings 9th International Conference of Control, Automation, Robotics, and Vision (ICARCV-06), pages 527–532, Singapore, December 2006. [bib]
- Lucian Busoniu, Bart De Schutter, and Robert Babuška. Decentralized reinforcement learning control of a robotic manipulator. In Proceedings 9th International Conference of Control, Automation, Robotics, and Vision (ICARCV-06), pages 1347–1352, Singapore, December 2006. [bib]
- K.M. van Schagen, M. Bakker, L.C. Rietveld, A.M.J. Veersma, and R. Babuška. Using on-line quality measurements in drinking water process control. In AWWA WQTC Conference, Denver, USA, November 2006. [bib]
- A. Hegyi, D. Girimonte, R. Babuška, and B. De Schutter. A comparison of filter configurations for freeway traffic state estimation. In Proceedings 2006 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems, pages 1029–1034, Toronto, Canada, September17–20 2006. [bib]
- A. Sala, T.M. Guerra, and R. Babuška. Perspectives of fuzzy systems and control. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 156(3):432–444, 2005. [bib]
- K. Maertens, R. Babuška, and J. De Baerdemaeker. Evolutionary input selection for the non-linear identification of complex processes. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 49(3):441–451, 2005. [bib]
- A. Breijs, B. Klaassens, and R. Babuška. Automated design environment for serial industrial manipulators. Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 32(1):32–34, 2005. [bib]
- R. Babuška. An overview of nonlinear identification and control with fuzzy systems. In A. Ruano, editor, Intelligent Control Systems Using Computational Intelligence Techniques, pages 1–36. IEE Control Series, London, UK, 2005. [bib]
- D. Bellomo, D. Naso, and R. Babuška. Evaluation of adaptive fuzzy controllers: a real-world experiment. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 1074–1079, Reno, USA, May 2005. [bib]
- W.A. Halang, R. Sanz, R. Babuška, and H. Roth. Information and communication technologies in control. In Preprints 16th IFAC World Congress, pages Th–A01–MS/1, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005. [bib]
- K.M. van Schagen, R. Babuška, L.C. Rietveld, J. Wuister, and A.M.J. Veersma. Modeling and predictive control of pellet reactors for water softening. In Preprints 16th IFAC World Congress, pages Mo–M01–TP/6, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005. [bib]
- R. Hallouzi, V. Verdult, R. Babuška, and M. Verhaegen. Fault detection and identification of actuator faults using linear parameter varying models. In Preprints 16th IFAC World Congress, pages Mo–M05–TO/1, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005. [bib]
- Alexander Breijs, B. Klaassens, and R. Babuška. Matlab design environment for robotic manipulators. In Preprints 16th IFAC World Congress, pages Tu–M04–TP/13, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005. [bib]
- D. Bellomo, D. Naso, B. Turchiano, and R. Babuška. Composite adaptive fuzzy control. In Preprints 16th IFAC World Congress, pages Tu–E09–TO/2, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005. [bib]
- K.M. van Schagen, R. Babuška, L.C. Rietveld, and E.T. Baars. Optimal flow distribution over multiple parallel pellet reactors: a model-based approach. In Proceedings 2nd IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation for Water and Wastewater Treatment and Transport System (ICA 2005), pages 805–812, Busan, Korea, May 2005. [bib]
- M. Xiangping, R. Babuška, L. Busoniu, C. Yu, and T. Wanyu. An improved multiagent reinforcement learning algorithm. In Proceedings 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, pages 337–343, Compiegne, France, September 2005. [bib]
- L. Busoniu, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuška. Multiagent reinforcement learning with adaptive state focus. In Proceedings 17th Belgium-Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 35–42, Brussels, Belgium, October 2005. [bib]
- F. Karamati, R. Babuška, M.M. van Paassen, and M. Mulder. Modeling pilot behavior for in-trail following. In Proceedings AIAA GNC Conference, pages 1–3, San Francisco, USA, January 2005. [bib]
- R. Šindelář and R. Babuška. Input selection for nonlinear regression models. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 12(5):688–696, 2004. [bib]
- S. Mollov, R. Babuška, J. Abonyi, and H.B. Verbruggen. Effective optimization for fuzzy model predictive control. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 12(5):661–675, 2004. [bib]
- K. Maertens, T.A. Johansen, and R. Babuška. Engine load prediction in off-road vehicles using multi-objective nonlinear identification. Control Engineering Practice, 12(5):615–624, 2004. [bib]
- S. Mollov and R. Babuška. Analysis of interactions and multivariable fuzzy control design for a binary distillation column. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 6(2):53–62, 2004. [bib]
- R. Babuška. System identification using fuzzy models. In H. Unbehauen, editor, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), volume Volume 6.43 Control System, Robotics and Automation, pages 1–27. EOLSS Publishers Co. Ltd., Oxford, UK, 2004. Developed under the auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, [bib]
- J. Braaksma, B. Klaassens, R. Babuška, and C. de Keizer. Hybrid control design for a robot manipulator in a shield tunneling machine. In Proceedings International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 185–192, Setúbal, Portugal, August 2004. [bib]
- D. Bellomo, D. Naso, and R. Babuška. Parameter convergence in adaptive fuzzy control. In Proceedings International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 135–142, Setúbal, Portugal, August 2004. [bib]
- D. Girimonte and R. Babuška. Structure selection for nonlinear models with mixed discrete and continuous inputs: a comparative study. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, pages 2392–2397, Den Haag, The Netherlands, October 2004. [bib]
- J. Abonyi, B. Feil, S. Nemeth, P. Arva, and R. Babuška. State-space reconstruction and prediction of chaotic time series based on fuzzy clustering. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, pages 2374–2380, Den Haag, The Netherlands, October 2004. [bib]
- D. Girimonte and R. Babuška. Fuzzy clustering for selecting structure of nonlinear models with mixed discrete and continuous inputs. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, page paper no. 1205, Budapest, Hungary, July 2004. [bib]
- J. Abonyi and R. Babuška. Fuzzsam – visualization of fuzzy clustering results by modified sammon mapping. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, page paper no. 1312, Budapest, Hungary, July 2004. [bib]
- Th.G.J. Bosklopper, L.C. Rietveld, R. Babuška, B. Smaal, and J. Timmer. Integrated operation of drinking water treatment plant at Amsterdam water supply. In Proceedings of the 4th IWA World Water Congress, pages 1–9, Marrakech, Morokko, September 2004. [bib]
- K. Maertens, J. De Baerdemaeker, and R. Babuška. Genetic polynomial regression as input selection algorithm for engine load prediction in combine harvesters. In Proceedings Fifth Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture (AIA’04), Cairo, Egypt, March 2004. [bib]
- K. Maertens, J. De Baerdemaeker, and R. Babuška. Data-driven identification of process regimes in combine harvesters. In Proceedings AgEng 2004, Leuven, Belgium, September 2004. [bib]
- R. Babuška, M.R. Damen, C. Hellinga, and H. Maarleveld. Intelligent adaptive control of bioreactors. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 14(2):255–265, 2003. [bib]
- R. Babuška and H. Verbruggen. Neuro-fuzzy methods for nonlinear system identification. Annual Reviews in Control, 27(1):73–85, 2003. [bib]
- P. Korba, R. Babuška, H.B. Verbruggen, and P.M. Frank. Fuzzy gain scheduling: Controller and observer design based on Lyapunov method and convex optimization. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 11(3):285–298, 2003. [bib]
- S. Mešic, R. Babuška, H.C. Hoogsteden, and A.F.M. Verbraak. Computer–controlled mechanical simulation of the artificially ventilated human respiratory system. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 50(6):731–743, 2003. [bib]
- S.-F. Wu, C.J.H. Engelen, R. Babuška, Q.-P. Chu, and J.A. Mulder. Fuzzy logic based full-envelope autonomous flight control for an atmospheric re-entry spacecraft. Control Engineering Practice, 11(1):11–25, 2003. [bib]
- H. Roubos and R. Babuška. Comments on the benchmarks in “A proposal for improving the accuracy of linguistic modeling” and related articles. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 11(6):861–865, 2003. [bib]
- T.A. Johansen and R. Babuška. Multi-objective identification of Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy models. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 11(6):847–860, 2003. [bib]
- R. Babuška and M. Oosterom. Design of optimal membership functions for fuzzy gain-scheduled control. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 476–481, St. Louis, USA, May 2003. [bib]
- J. Abonyi, R. Babuška, and B. Feil. Structure selection for nonlinear input–output models based on fuzzy cluster analysis. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 464–469, St. Louis, USA, May 2003. [bib]
- J. Abonyi, J.A. Roubos, R. Babuška, and F. Szeifert. Interpretable semi-mechanistic fuzzy models by clustering, OLS and FIS model reduction. In J. Casillas, O. Cordon, F. Herrera, and L. Magdalena, editors, Interpretability Issues in Fuzzy Modeling, pages 221–248. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2003. [bib]
- F. Jimenez, A.F. Gómez-Skarmeta, G. Sánchez, H. Roubos, and R. Babuška. Accurate, transparent and compact fuzzy models by multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. In J. Casillas, O. Cordon, F. Herrera, and L. Magdalena, editors, Interpretability Issues in Fuzzy Modeling, pages 431–451. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2003. [bib]
- R. Babuška, J. Oosterhoff, A. Oudshoorn, and P.M. Bruijn. Fuzzy self-tuning PI control of pH in fermentation. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 15:3–15, 2002. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Accuracy and transparency of fuzzy systems. In H-J. Zimmerman, G. Tselentis, M. van Someren, and G. Dounias, editors, Advances in Computational Intelligence and Learning: Methods and Applications, pages 3–16. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, USA, 2002. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Neuro-fuzzy methods for modeling and identification. In A. Abraham, L.C. Jain, and J. Kacprzyk, editors, Recent Advances in Intelligent Paradigms and Applications, pages 161–186. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2002. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Fuzzy logic techniques. In J.M. Meij, editor, Dealing with the data flood, pages 717–726. STT/Beweton, The Hague, the Netherlands, 2002. [bib]
- R. Babuška, P.J. van der Veen, and U. Kaymak. Improved covariance estimation for Gustafson–Kessel clustering. In Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, volume 2, pages 1081–1085, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 2002. [bib]
- M. Oosterom and R. Babuška. Soft computing applications in sensor management and flight control law reconfiguration. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, 32(2):125–139, 2002. [bib]
- J. Abonyi, R. Babuška, and F. Szeifert. Modified Gath–Geva fuzzy clustering for identification of Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy models. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, 32(5):612–621, 2002. [bib]
- S. Mollov, T.J.J. van den Boom, F. Cuesta, A. Ollero, and R. Babuška. Robust stability constraints for fuzzy model predictive control. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 10(1):50–64, 2002. [bib]
- J.A. Roubos, P. Krabben, W.T.A.M. de Laat, R. Babuška, and J.J. Heijnen. Clavulanic acid degradation in it streptomyces clavuligerus fed-batch cultivations. Biotechnology Progress, 18(3):451–457, 2002. [bib]
- M.S. Lourens, L. Alic, B. van den Berg, A.F.M. Verbraak, J.M. Bogaard, H.C. Hoogsteden, and R. Babuška. Estimation of expiratory time constants via fuzzy clustering. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 17(1):15–22, 2002. [bib]
- T.A. Johansen and R. Babuška. On multi-objective identification of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model parameters. In Preprints 15th IFAC World Congress, pages T–Mo–A04, paper no. 587, Barcelona, Spain, July 2002. [bib]
- M.A. Botto, R. Babuška, and J. Sá da Costa. Discrete-time robust pole-placement design through global optimization. In Preprints 15th IFAC World Congress, pages T–Tu–M21, paper no. 2083, Barcelona, Spain, July 2002. [bib]
- M. Oosterom and R.Babuška. Fuzzy gain-scheduled $h_infty$ flight control law design. In Proceedings AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, pages AIAA–2002–4748, Monterey, CA, August 2002. [bib]
- A. Ichtev, J. Hellendoorn, R. Babuška, and S. Mollov. Fault-tolerant model-based predictive control using multiple Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy models. In Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, volume 1, pages 346–351, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 2002. [bib]
- F. Jiménez, G. Sanchez, A.F. Gómez-Skarmeta, H. Roubos, and R. Babuška. Fuzzy modeling with multi-objective neuro-evolutionary algorithms. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, volume 3, pages 253–258, Hemmamat, Tunisia, October 2002. [bib]
- N. du Bois, M. De Cock, E.E. Kerre, and R. Babuška. A fuzzy set theoretical approach to the automatic generation of absenteeism analyses in natural language. In Proceedings 9th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, volume III, pages 1961–1968, Annecy, France, July 2002. [bib]
- M. Damen, R. Babuška, and Y. Zhu. Adaptivsteuerung von bioreaktoren. Bioforum, 25(11):769–770, 2002. [bib]
- M. Damen, R. Babuška, and Y. Zhu. Intelligent adaptive control of bioreactors. Bioforum International, 6(6):334–335, 2002. [bib]
- R. Babuška, L. Alic, M.S. Lourens, A.F.M. Verbraak, and J. Bogaard. Estimation of respiratory parameters via fuzzy clustering. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 21(1–3):91–105, 2001. [bib]
- R. Babuška and M. Oosterom. Fuzzy clustering for multiple-model approaches in system identification and control. In W. Pedrycz, editor, Granular Computing: An Emerging Paradigm, pages 306–323. Physica–Verlag, Heidelberg, 2001. [bib]
- R. Babuška, M.R. Damen, C. Hellinga, and H. Maarleveld. Fuzzy supervision of adaptive control with an application to bioreactors. Journal A, 42(3):52–57, 2001. [bib]
- M. Setnes and R. Babuška. Rule base reduction: some comments on the use of orthogonal transforms. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, 31(2):199–206, 2001. [bib]
- M. Setnes and R. Babuška. Fuzzy decision support for the control of detergent production. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 15(8):769–785, 2001. [bib]
- J. Abonyi, R. Babuška, and F. Szeifert. Fuzzy modeling with multivariate membership functions: gray-box identification and control design. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, 31(5):755–767, 2001. [bib]
- S.-F. Wu, C.J.H. Engelen, Q.-P. Chu, R. Babuška, J.A. Mulder, and G. Ortega. Fuzzy logic based attitude control of the spacecraft X-38 along a nominal re-entry trajectory. Control Engineering Practice, 9(7):699–707, 2001. [bib]
- L.G. Bakker, A.H.M. Brouwer, and R. Babuška. Integrated predictive adaptive control of heating, cooling, ventilation, daylighting and electrical lighting in buildings. International Journal of Solar Energy, 21(2–3):203–217, 2001. [bib]
- S. Mollov, R. Babuška, and P. van der Veen. Nonlinear model based predictive control of a GDI engine. Journal A, 42(1):31–38, 2001. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Fault-tolerant output-feedback control via fuzzy state blending. In Proceedings 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 999–1003, Melbourne, Australia, December 2001. [bib]
- S. Mollov and R. Babuška. Analysis of interactions in mimo Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy models. In Proceedings 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 769–773, Melbourne, Australia, December 2001. [bib]
- A.K. Palit and R. Babuška. Efficient training algorithm for Takagi-Sugeno type neuro-fuzzy network. In Proceedings 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 1367–1371, Melbourne, Australia, December 2001. [bib]
- M. Oosterom and R. Babuška. Fuzzy gain scheduling for flight control laws. In Proceedings 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 716–719, Melbourne, Australia, December 2001. [bib]
- A. Ichtev, J. Hellendoorn, and R. Babuška. Fault detection and isolation using multiple Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models. In Proceedings 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 1498–1502, Melbourne, Australia, December 2001. [bib]
- M. Oosterom and R.Babuška. Aircraft sensor management and flight control law reconfiguration – fuzzy logic approach. In Proceedings AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, pages AIAA–2001–4358, Montreal, Canada, August 2001. [bib]
- R. Babuška and H.B. Verbruggen. Data-driven construction of transparent neuro-fuzzy systems. In Proceedings IFAC Conference on New Technologies for Computer Control, pages 41–52, Hong Kong, November 2001. [bib]
- S. Mollov, R. Babuška, and P. van der Veen. Nonlinear model based predictive control of a GDI engine. In Proceedings of European Control Conference, pages WE–ISO4–03, Porto, Portugal, 2001. [bib]
- F. Jiménez, A.F. Gómez-Skarmeta, J.A. Roubos, and R. Babuška. Accurate, transparent and compact fuzzy models for function approximation and dynamic modeling through multi-objective evolutionary optimization. In Proceedings EMO’01: Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1993, pages 653–667, Zurich, Switzerland, March 2001. Springer-Verlag. [bib]
- F. Jiménez, A.F. Gómez-Skarmeta, J.A. Roubos, and R. Babuška. A multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for fuzzy modelling. In Proceedings 20th NAFIPS and 9th IFSA, pages 1222–1228, Vancouver, Canada, June 2001. Abstract + paper to follow. [bib]
- A. Hegyi, B. De Schutter, S. Hoogendoorn, R. Babuška, H. van Zuylen, and H. Schuurman. A fuzzy decision support system for traffic control centers. In Proceedings 4th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC’01), pages 358–363, Oakland, California, August 2001. [bib]
- J.A. Roubos, P. Krabben, R. Luiten, R. Babuška, and J.J. Heijnen. A semi-stochioimetric model for a streptomyces fed-batch cultivation with multiple feeds. In Proceedings 8th International conference on computer applications in biotechnology, pages 299–304, Quebec City, Canada, June 2001. [bib]
- M. Oosterom and R. Babuška. Fuzzy logic applications in aircraft sensor management systems. In Proceedings Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, pages 160–167, Tel Aviv and Haifa, February 2001. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Fuzzy clustering algorithms with applications to rule extraction. In P.S. Szczepaniak, P.J.G. Lisboa, and J. Kacprzyk, editors, Fuzzy Systems in Medicine, pages 139–173. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2000. [bib]
- R. Babuška and O. Wolkenhauer. An introduction to fuzzy systems. In Proceedings UKACC International Conference on Control 2000, page ss45, Cambridge, UK, September 2000. [bib]
- R. Babuška and O. Wolkenhauer. Fuzzy systems identification and control. In Proceedings UKACC International Conference on Control 2000, page ss46, Cambridge, UK, September 2000. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Construction of fuzzy systems – interplay between precision and transparency. In Proceedings European Symposium on Intelligent Techniques (ESIT 2000), pages 445–452, Aachen, Germany, September 2000. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Fuzzy and neural modeling. In Proceedings IWA Workshop on Modelling of Conventional Drinking Water Production Processes, Delft, the Netherlands, March 2000. [bib]
- J. Abonyi, R. Babuška, H.B. Verbruggen, and F. Szeifert. Incorporating prior knowledge in fuzzy model identification. International Journal of Systems Science, 31(5):657–667, 2000. [bib]
- J. Abonyi, R. Babuška, M. Ayala Botto, F. Szeifert, and L. Nagy. Identification and control of nonlinear systems using fuzzy Hammerstein models. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 39(11):4302–4314, 2000. [bib]
- O. Nelles, A. Fink, R. Babuška, and M. Setnes. Comparison of two construction algorithms for Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy models. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 10(4):835–855, 2000. [bib]
- J.A. Roubos, R. Babuška, P. Krabben, and J.J. Heijnen. Hybrid modeling of fed-batch bioprocesses: Combination of physical equations with metabolic networks and black-box kinetics. Journal A, 41(3):17–23, 2000. [bib]
- M. Setnes and R. Babuška. Fuzzy modeling for predictive control. In S.S. Farinwata, D. Filev, and R. Langari, editors, Fuzzy Control: Synthesis and Analysis, pages 23–46. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK, 2000. [bib]
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- J. Abonyi, R. Babuška, and F. Szeifert. Fuzzy expert system for supervision in adaptive control. In I. Rudas and J. Tar, editors, Proceedings Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control 2000, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, pages 245–250. Pergamon Press, 2000. [bib]
- J. Abonyi and R. Babuška. Local and global identification and interpretation of parameters in Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy models. In Proceedings 9th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 835–840, San Antonio, USA, May 2000. [bib]
- D. Passaquay, M. Bross, R. Babuška, S. Boverie, and A. Titli. Performance evaluation of a fuzzy rule base for control purpose. In Proceedings 9th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 423–428, San Antonio, USA, May 2000. [bib]
- S. Mollov, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Decoupling MBPC using fuzzy models. In Proceedings 9th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 417–422, San Antonio, USA, May 2000. [bib]
- S.F. Wu, C.J.H. Engelen, R. Babuška, Q.P. Chu, and J.A.Mulder. Intelligent flight controller design with fuzzy logic for an atmospheric re-entry vehicle. In Proceedings AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, pages AIAA–2000–0174, Denver, USA, 2000. [bib]
- M. Oosterom and R.Babuška. Virtual sensor for fault detection and isolation in flight control systems – fuzzy modeling approach. In Proceedings 39th IEEE Conf. Dec. Contr., pages 2645–2650, Sydney, Australia, December 2000. [bib]
- M. Oosterom, G. Schram, R.Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Automated procedure for gain scheduled flight control law design. In Proceedings AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, pages AIAA–2000–4253, Denver, USA, 2000. [bib]
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- C. Pereira, A. Dourado, and R. Babuška. Constructive on-line learning for a neuro-fuzzy network with fuzzy sets obtained by delaunay triangulation. In Proceedings 39th Conf. Dec. Contr., pages 3556–3561, Sydney, Australia, December 2000. [bib]
- J.A. Roubos, P. Krabben, R. Luiten, R. Babuška, and J.J. Heijnen. A combination of mass balances with metabolic networks and black-box kinetics to model fed-batch processes. In Proceedings Metabolic Engineering III, Colorado, USA, October 2000. [bib]
- O. Wolkenhauer and R. Babuška. Fuzzy relational biology: A factor-space approach to genome analysis. In Proceedins Computation in Cells, pages 53–58, London, Great Britain, April 2000. [bib]
- J. Abonyi, R. Babuška, F. Szeifert, L. Nagy, and H.B. Verbruggen. Design and application of block-oriented fuzzy models – fuzzy Hammerstein model. In Y. Suzuki, S.J. Ovaska, T. Furuhashi, R. Roy, and Y. Dote, editors, Soft Computing in Industrial Applications. Springer-Verlag, London, UK, 2000. [bib]
- J. Abonyi, R. Babuška, T. Chovan, and F. Szeifert. Incorporating prior knowledge in fuzzy c-regression models – application to system identification. In Proceedings of the Intelligent Systems in Control and Measurement Symposium, INTCOM 2000, pages 99–110, Veszprem, Hungary, September 2000. [bib]
- J. Abonyi, R. Babuška, L. Nagy, and F. Szeifert. Local and global identification for fuzzy model based control. In Proceedings of the Intelligent Systems in Control and Measurement Symposium, INTCOM 2000, pages 111–116, Veszprem, Hungary, September 2000. [bib]
- J. Abonyi, R. Babuška, L.F.A. Wessels, H.B. Verbruggen, and F. Szeifert. Fuzzy modeling and model based control with use of a priori knowledge. In 3rd IMACS symposium on Mathematical Modelling, MATHMOD 2000, pages 769–772, Vienna, Austria, March 2000. [bib]
- A. Hegyi, B. De Schutter, S. Hoogendoorn, R. Babuška, and H. van Zuylen. Fuzzy decision support system for traffic control centers. In Proceedings European Symposium on Intelligent Techniques (ESIT 2000), pages 389–395, Aachen, Germany, September 2000. [bib]
- R.J.M. Bennis, Q.P. Chu, J.A.Mulder, R. Babuška, and G. Ortega. Adaptive fuzzy control for rendezvous and docking by reinforcement learning. In Proceedins International ICSC Congress on Intelligent Systems And Applications ISA’2000, pages 1513–177, Wollongong, Australia, December 2000. [bib]
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- R. Babuška, Y. Zhu, P.P.J. van den Bosch, C. Hellinga, J.J. Heijnen, and H. Maarleveld. Adaptive control for bioprocesses. Poster at Machevo exhibition Utrecht, 2000. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Knowledge-Based Control Systems (lecture notes for the course ET4-099). Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 2000. [bib]
- H.B. Verbruggen and R. Babuška, editors. Fuzzy Control: Advances in Applications. World Scientific, Singapore, 1999. [bib]
- H.B. Verbruggen, H.-J. Zimmermann, and R. Babuška, editors. Fuzzy Algorithms for Control. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, USA, 1999. [bib]
- R. Babuška, H.B. Verbruggen, and H.J.L. van Can. Fuzzy modeling of enzymatic penicillin–G conversion. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 12(1):79–92, 1999. [bib]
- M. Setnes and R. Babuška. Fuzzy relational classifier trained by fuzzy clustering. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, 29(5):619–625, 1999. [bib]
- M. Alvarez Grima and R. Babuška. Fuzzy model for the prediction of unconfined compressive strength of rock samples. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 36(3):339–349, 1999. [bib]
- J.A. Roubos, S. Mollov, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Fuzzy model based predictive control by using Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 22(1/2):3–30, 1999. [bib]
- T.J.J. Kalker, C.P. van Goor, P.J. Roeleveld, M.F. Ruland, and R. Babuška. Fuzzy control of aeration in an activated sludge wastewater treatment plant: design, simulation and evaluation. Water Science and Technology, 39(4):71–78, 1999. [bib]
- T. Kalker, R. Babuška, P. Roeleveld, M. Ruland, and C. van Goor. Toepasbaarheid van fuzzy control bij het zuiveren van stedelijk afvalwater. H$_2$O, tijdschrift voor watervoorziening en waterbeheer, 32(2):14–17, 1999. [bib]
- J. Groennou, J. Kappelhof, H. van Ginneken, and R. Babuška. Model voor regeling voor snelle zandfilters. H$_2$O, tijdschrift voor watervoorziening en waterbeheer, 32(13):23–25, 1999. [bib]
- R. Babuška. An overview of fuzzy modeling and model-based fuzzy control. In H.B. Verbruggen and R. Babuška, editors, Fuzzy Control: Advances in Applications, pages 3–36. World Scientific, Singapore, 1999. [bib]
- R. Babuška and M. Setnes. Data-driven construction of transparent fuzzy models. In H.B. Verbruggen, H.-J. Zimmermann, and R. Babuška, editors, Fuzzy Algorithms for Control, pages 83–108. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, USA, 1999. [bib]
- H.A.B. te Braake, J.A. Roubos, and R. Babuška. Semi-mechanistic modeling and its application to biochemical processes. In H.B. Verbruggen and R. Babuška, editors, Fuzzy Control: Advances in Applications, pages 205–226. World Scientific, Singapore, 1999. [bib]
- K.-E. Arzén, M. Johansson, and R. Babuška. Fuzzy control versus conventional control. In H.B. Verbruggen, H.-J. Zimmermann, and R. Babuška, editors, Fuzzy Algorithms for Control, pages 59–82. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, USA, 1999. [bib]
- S. Mollov, J.A. Roubos, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Mimo predictive control by multiple-step linearization of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models. In Y.H. Pao and S.R. LeClair, editors, Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control 1998, IFAC Proceedings Volumes. Pergamon Press, 1999. [bib]
- R. Babuška, J.M. Sousa, and H.B. Verbruggen. Predictive control of nonlinear systems based on fuzzy and neural models. In Proceedings European Control Conference, pages CA–12–4, 1999. [bib]
- R. Babuška, H.B. Verbruggen, and H. Hellendoorn. Promising fuzzy modeling and control methodologies for industrial applications. In Proceedings European Symposium on Intelligent Techniques – ESIT’99, pages AB–02, Crete, Greece, jun 1999. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Data-driven fuzzy modeling: Transparency and complexity issues. In Proceedings European Symposium on Intelligent Techniques – ESIT’99, pages AB–01, Crete, Greece, jun 1999. [bib]
- R. Babuška, H.B. Verbruggen, and H. Hellendoorn. New trends in modeling for industrial control. In Proceedings Automazione’99, pages 15–28, Rome, Italy, November 1999. [bib]
- J. Abonyi, R. Babuška, M. Setnes, H.B. Verbruggen, and F. Szeifert. Constrained parameter estimation in fuzzy modeling. In Proceedings FUZZ-IEEE’99, pages 951–956, Seoul, Korea, August 1999. [bib]
- A. Gegov, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Linguistic analysis of interactions in mimo fuzzy systems. In Preprints 14th IFAC World Congress, volume K, pages 249–254, Bejing, China, July 1999. [bib]
- Q. Li, R. Babuška, and M. Verhaegen. Adaptive output tracking of nonlinear systems using neural networks. In Preprints 14th IFAC World Congress, volume K, pages 339–344, Bejing, China, July 1999. [bib]
- S. Mollov, P. van de Veen, R. Babuška, J. Abonyi, J.A. Roubos, and H.B. Verbruggen. Extraction of local linear models from Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model with application to model-based predictive control. In Proceedings Seventh European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT’99, pages 147–154, Aachen, Germany, September 1999. [bib]
- O. Nelles, A. Fink, R. Babuška, and M. Setnes. Comparison of two construction algorithms for Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy models. In Proceedings Seventh European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT’99, pages 280–285, Aachen, Germany, September 1999. [bib]
- P.J. van der Veen, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Comparison of nonlinear predictive control methods for a waste-water treatment benchmark. In Proceedings European Control Conference, pages BA–7–1, 1999. [bib]
- J.A. Roubos, P. Krabben, R. Babuška, J.J. Heijnen, and H.B. Verbruggen. Hybrid modeling of secondary metabolite production in fed-batch bioreactors. In Proceedings 2nd Symposium on Mastering the Molecules in Manufacturing, Delft, The Netherlands, April 1999. [bib]
- J.A. Roubos, P. Krabben, M. Setnes, R. Babuška, J.J. Heijnen, and H.B. Verbruggen. Hybrid model development for fed-batch bioprocesses; combining physical equations with the metabolic network and black-box kinetics. In Proceedings 6th UK Workshop on Fuzzy Systems, pages 231–239, Uxbridge, United Kingdom, September 1999. [bib]
- J.A. Roubos, P. Krabben, M. Setnes, R. Babuška, J.J. Heijnen, and H.B. Verbruggen. Hybrid models for fed-batch bioprocesses; combining mass balances with the metabolic network and black-box kinetics. In Proceedings 7th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing, EUFIT’99, pages 1–9, Aachen, Germany, September 1999. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Fuzzy Modeling for Control. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, USA, 1998. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Fuzzy modeling: Principles, methods and applications. In C. Bonivento, C. Fantuzzi, and R. Rovatti, editors, Fuzzy Logic Control: Advances in Methodology, pages 187–220. World Scientific, Singapore, 1998. [bib]
- R. Babuška, J.M. Sousa, and H.B. Verbruggen. Inverse fuzzy model based predictive control. In D. Driankov and R. Palm, editors, Advances in Fuzzy Control, pages 129–154. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 1998. [bib]
- R. Babuška, R. Gorez, M. Rijckaert, and R. Vingerhoeds. Special issue on intelligent control. Journal A, 39(3), 1998. [bib]
- P. Baranyi, I.M. Bavelaar, R. Babuška, L.T. Kóczy, A. Titli, and H.B. Verbruggen. A method to invert a linguistic fuzzy model. International Journal of Systems Science, 29(7):711–721, 1998. [bib]
- W.M. van Buijtenen, G. Schram, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Adaptive fuzzy control of satellite attitude by reinforcement learning. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 6(2):185–194, 1998. [bib]
- U. Kaymak, R. Babuška, H.R. van Nauta Lemke, and G. Honderd. A fuzzy logic system for steady-state security analysis of power networks. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 6:345–359, 1998. [bib]
- M. Setnes, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Transparent fuzzy modeling: Data exploration and fuzzy sets aggregation. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 49(2):159–179, 1998. [bib]
- M. Setnes, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Complexity reduction in fuzzy modeling. IMACS Journal Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 46:507–516, 1998. [bib]
- M. Setnes, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Rule-based modeling: Precision and transparency. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, 28(1):165–169, 1998. [bib]
- M. Setnes, R. Babuška, U. Kaymak, and H.R. van Nauta Lemke. Similarity measures in fuzzy rule base simplification. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 28(3):376–386, 1998. [bib]
- H. te Braake, R. Babuška, E. van Can, and C. Hellinga. Predictive control in biotechnology using fuzzy and neural models. In J.F.M. van Impe, P. Vanrolleghem, and D. Iserentant, editors, Advanced Instrumentation, Data Interpretation, and Control of Biotechnological Processes, pages 437–464. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. [bib]
- H.B. Verbruggen and R. Babuška. Fuzzy modeling: Bridging the gap between formal and heuristic modeling. In Proceedings Workshop on Intelligent Control Systems, Darmstadt, Germany, oct 1998. [bib]
- R. Babuška, S. Mollov, and J.A. Roubos. Mimo aspects in fuzzy control. In Proceedings Workshop on Intelligent Control Systems, Darmstadt, Germany, oct 1998. [bib]
- T.J.J. Kalker, C. van Goor, P.J. Roeleveld, M.F. Ruland, and R. Babuška. Fuzzy control of aeration in an activated sludge wastewater treatment plant: Design, simulation and evaluation. In Proceedings Application of Models in Water Management – AQUATECH, pages 148–155, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1998. [bib]
- L.G. Bakker, A.H.M. Brouwer, and R. Babuška. Integrated smart control of heating, cooling, ventilation, daylighting and electrical lighting in buildings. In Proceedings $2^nd$ European Conference on Energy Performance and Indoor Climate in Buildings EPIC’98, pages 642–647, Lyon, France, November 1998. [bib]
- R. Babuška, A. Gegov, and H.B. Verbruggen. Decoupling of multivariable rule-based fuzzy systems. In Proceedings IFAC/IMACS International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control – AIRTC 98, pages A–2, 1998. [bib]
- S. Mollov, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Predictive control by multiple-step linearization of Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy models. In Proceedings IFAC/IMACS International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control – AIRTC 98, pages I–3, 1998. [bib]
- H.L.H. van Ginneken, R. Babuška, J.Th. Groennou, and H.B. Verbruggen. Black-box modelling of a rapid sand filter. In Proceedings IFAC/IMACS International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control – AIRTC 98, pages D–6, 1998. [bib]
- A. Gegov, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Linguistic decoupling in MIMO fuzzy systems. In Sixth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT’98, pages 1620–1624, Aachen, Germany, 1998. [bib]
- R. Babuška and M. Setnes. Data-driven construction of transparent fuzzy models: Methods and applications. In Proceedings Sixth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT’98, pages 594–602, Aachen, Germany, 1998. [bib]
- J.A. Roubos, R. Babuška, P.M. Bruijn, and H.B. Verbruggen. Predictive control by local linearization of a Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model. In Proceedings FUZZ-IEEE’98, pages 37–42, Anchorage, USA, 1998. [bib]
- M. Setnes, A. Koene, R. Babuška, and P.M. Bruijn. Data-driven initialization and structure learning in fuzzy neural networks. In Proceedings FUZZ-IEEE’98, pages 1147–1152, Anchorage, USA, 1998. [bib]
- R. Babuška, J.A. Roubos, and H.B. Verbruggen. Identification of mimo systems by input–output TS fuzzy models. In Proceedings FUZZ-IEEE’98, pages 657–662, Anchorage, USA, 1998. [bib]
- F. Snijder, R. Babuška, and M. Verhaegen. Finding the bias-variance tradeoff during NN training and its implication on structure selection. In Proceedings FUZZ-IEEE’98, pages 1613–1618, Anchorage, USA, 1998. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Data-driven construction of fuzzy models. In Proceedings Fifth UK Workshop on Fuzzy Systems, Sheffield, UK, may 1998. [bib]
- J.A. Roubos, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Fuzzy control of multivariable processes. In Book of Abstracts, 17-th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Mierlo, The Netherlands, mar 1998. [bib]
- R. Babuška, C. van Goor, T.J.J. Kalker, and P.J. Roeleveld. High-level fuzzy control of aeration in a wastewater treatment plant: Design, simulation and evaluation. In Book of Abstracts, 17-th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Mierlo, the Netherlands, March 1998. [bib]
- P. Krabben, J.A. Roubos, M.E. Bruins, R. Babuška, H.B. Verbruggen, and J.J. Heinen. Metabolic flux analysis of the growth of s. clavuligerus in batch-cultivations with different n-sources. In Metabolics Engineering II, Schloss Elmau, Germany, oct 1998. [bib]
- R. Babuška and H.B. Verbruggen. Constructing fuzzy models by product space clustering. In H. Hellendoorn and D. Driankov, editors, Fuzzy Model Identification: Selected Approaches, pages 53–90. Springer, Berlin, Germany, 1997. [bib]
- R. Babuška and H.B. Verbruggen. Fuzzy modeling and model-based control for nonlinear systems. In M. Jamshidi, A. Titli, S. Boverie, and L.A. Zadeh, editors, Applications of Fuzzy Logic: Towards High Machine Intelligence Quotient Systems, pages 49–74. Prentice Hall, New York, 1997. [bib]
- R. Babuška and H.B. Verbruggen. Fuzzy set methods for local modeling and identification. In R. Murray-Smith and T. A. Johansen, editors, Multiple Model Approaches to Nonlinear Modeling and Control, pages 75–100. Taylor & Francis, London, UK, 1997. [bib]
- U. Kaymak, R. Babuška, M. Setnes, H.B. Verbruggen, and H.R. van Nauta Lemke. Methods for simplification of fuzzy models. In D. Ruan, editor, Intelligent Hybrid Systems: Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, and Genetic Algorithms, pages 91–107. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1997. [bib]
- P. Verhoef, M. Alvarez Grima, J.R. Deketh, M. den Hartog, I. Hergarden, and R. Babuška. Vage logica als hulpmiddel bij het ingenieurs-geologisch beschrijven van gesteente voor uitgravingsprojecten. In Jaarboek van de Mijnbouwkundige Vereeniging te Delft, pages 219–229. Mijnbouwkundige Vereeniging, Delft, 1997. [bib]
- M.P.G.J. Besteman, C.H.L. Limpens, R. Babuška, J.B. Otten, and M. Verhaegen. Modelling and identification of a strip guidance process with internal feedback. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 6(1):88–102, 1998. [bib]
- J.M. Sousa, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Fuzzy predictive control applied to an air-conditioning system. Control Engineering Practice, 5(10):1395–1406, 1997. [bib]
- C. Onnen, R. Babuška, U. Kaymak, J.M. Sousa, H.B. Verbruggen, and R. Isermann. Genetic algorithms for optimization in predictive control. Control Engineering Practice, 5(10):1363–1372, 1997. [bib]
- M.H. den Hartog, R. Babuška, H.J.R. Deketh, M. Alvarez Grima, P.N.W. Verhoef, and H.B. Verbruggen. Knowledge-based fuzzy model for performance prediction of a rock-cutting trencher. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 16(1):43–66, 1997. [bib]
- C. Fantuzzi, R. Rovatti, and R. Babuška. Rule reduction algorithm for SISO Takagi–Sugeno models. In Preprints IFAC Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control, pages 440–444, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 1997. [bib]
- H.A.B. te Braake, H.J.L. van Can, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Predictive control of the pH in a penicillin conversion process. In Preprints IFAC Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control, pages 475–480, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 1997. [bib]
- H.A.B. te Braake, H.J.L. van Can, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Semi-mechanistic and black-box modeling of an enzymatic conversion process. In Preprints IFAC Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control, pages 428–433, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 1997. [bib]
- R. Babuška, M. Setnes, U. Kaymak, and H.B. Verbruggen. Fuzzy modeling: a universal and transparent tool. In Proceedings of Toolmet, Helsinki, Finland, 1997. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Fuzzy modeling: Combination of data and knowledge. In Lecture notes UNICOM seminar “Fuzzy Logic: Applications and Future Directions”, London, Great Britain, 1997. [bib]
- R. Babuška, M. Setnes, U. Kaymak, and H.B. Verbruggen. Fuzzy modeling: Principles, methods and applications. In Lecture notes summer school “Computational Intelligence in Simulation”, Oulu, Finland, 1997. [bib]
- M. Setnes, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Complexity reduction in fuzzy modeling. In Proceedings of the 2nd MATHMOD, pages 51–56, Vienna, Austria, February 1997. [bib]
- M. Setnes and R. Babuška. Multifaceted fuzzy modeling. In Book of Abstracts, 16-th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Houffalize, Belgium, March 1997. [bib]
- M. Setnes and R. Babuška. Fuzzy relational models for classification. In Proceedings of the Seventh IFSA World Congress, volume III, pages 135–140, Prague, Czech Republic, June 1997. [bib]
- R. Babuška and H.B. Verbruggen. Fuzzy identification of Hammerstein systems. In Proceedings Seventh IFSA World Congress, volume II, pages 348–353, Prague, Czech Republic, June 1997. [bib]
- R. Babuška and M. Verhaegen. Identification of nonlinear dynamical systems as a composition of local linear parametric or state space models. In Proceedings IFAC SYSID’1997, pages 703–708, Fukuoka, Japan, 1997. [bib]
- M. Setnes, R. Babuška, H.B. Verbruggen, M.D. Sánchez, and H.F.P. van den Boogaard. Fuzzy modeling and similarity analysis applied to ecological data. In Proceedings FUZZ-IEEE’97, pages 415–420, Barcelona, Spain, jul 1997. [bib]
- J.M. Sousa, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Internal model control with a fuzzy model: Application to an air-conditioning system. In Proceedings FUZZ-IEEE’97, pages 207–212, Barcelona, Spain, jul 1997. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Fuzzy Modeling and Identification. PhD dissertation, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 1996. [bib]
- R. Babuška, H.A.B. te Braake, A.J. Krijgsman, and H.B. Verbruggen. Comparison of intelligent control schemes for real-time pressure control. Control Engineering Practice, 4(11):1585–1592, 1996. [bib]
- R. Babuška and H.B. Verbruggen. An overview of fuzzy modeling for control. Control Engineering Practice, 4(11):1593–1606, 1996. [bib]
- G. Schram, B.J.A. Kröse, R. Babuška, and A.J. Krijgsman. Neurocontrol by reinforcement learning. Journal A, 37(3):59–64, 1996. [bib]
- H. te Braake, R. Babuška, and E. van Can. Voorspellend regelen met fuzzy en neurale modellen. ELEKTRO-DATA, 15(11):46–48, 1996. [bib]
- R. Babuška, H.J.L. van Can, and H.B. Verbruggen. Fuzzy modeling of enzymatic Penicillin–G conversion. In Preprints 13th IFAC World Congress, volume N, pages 479–484, San Francisco, USA, July 1996. [bib]
- R. Babuška and H.B. Verbruggen. An overview of fuzzy modeling for control. In Proceedings of CAI’96, pages 1–15, Lodz, Poland, December 1996. [bib]
- R. Babuška, W.M. van Buijtenen, G. Schram, and H.B. Verbruggen. Adaptive control of a satellite by reinforcement learning with a fuzzy performance measure. In Proceedings Fourth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT’96, pages 767–771, Aachen, Germany, September 1996. [bib]
- R. Babuška, M. Setnes, U. Kaymak, and H.R. van Nauta Lemke. Simplification of fuzzy rule bases. In Proceedings Fourth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT’96, pages 1115–1119, Aachen, Germany, September 1996. [bib]
- R. Babuška, M.A. Botto, J. Sa da Costa, and H.B. Verbruggen. Neural and fuzzy modeling in nonlinear predictive control: A Comparative Study. In Proceedings CESA, Lille, pages 1049–1054, 1996. [bib]
- G. Schram, W.M. van Buijtenen, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Neuro-fuzzy control of a satellite. In Proceedings CESA, Lille, pages 1055–1060, 1996. [bib]
- M. Alvarez Grima, M.H. den Hartog, H.J.R. Deketh, P.N.W. Verhoef, and R. Babuška. Uncertainty handling of mechanical rock excavation process with fuzzy logic. In Proceedings Third International Workshop Informatics and Geosciences, Havana, Cuba, November 1996. [bib]
- U. Kaymak, R. Babuška, and H.R. van Nauta Lemke. A defuzzification method with unequal sensitivity to domain elements. In Proceedings Fourth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT’96, pages 695–699, Aachen, Germany, September 1996. [bib]
- J.M. Sousa, R. Babuška, P.M. Bruijn, and H.B. Verbruggen. Fuzzy compensation of steady-state errors in nonlinear control systems. In Proceedings Fourth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT’96, pages 946–950, Aachen, Germany, September 1996. [bib]
- J.M. Sousa, R. Babuška, H.A.B. te Braake, P.M. Bruijn, and H.B. Verbruggen. Fuzzy goals and constraints in predictive control. In Proceedings 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, pages 315–319, Porto, Portugal, September 1996. [bib]
- R. Babuška, C. Fantuzzi, U. Kaymak, and H.B. Verbruggen. Improved inference for Takagi–Sugeno models. In Proceedings Fifth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 701–706, New Orleans, USA, September 1996. [bib]
- R. Babuška, H.B. Verbruggen, and C. Fantuzzi. Improved inference for Takagi–Sugeno models. In Proceedings of the Research Workshop of ERNET (European Robotics Network), pages 97–106, Darmstadt, Germany, September 1996. World Scientific, Singapore. [bib]
- R. Babuška, M. Setnes, U. Kaymak, and H.R. van Nauta Lemke. Rule base simplification with similarity measures. In Proceedings Fifth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 1642–1647, New Orleans, USA, September 1996. [bib]
- J.M. Sousa, R. Babuška, P.M. Bruijn, and H.B. Verbruggen. Comparison of conventional and fuzzy predictive control. In Proceedings Fifth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 1782–1787, New Orleans, USA, September 1996. [bib]
- C. Fantuzzi, R. Babuška, S. Stramigioli, and H. B. Verbruggen. Stability analysis of Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy systems by Lyapunov method. In Proceedings Fourth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT’96, pages 1840–1844, Aachen, Germany, September 1996. [bib]
- J. Heydeman, R. Reijntjes, R. Babuška, U. Kaymak, and H.R. van Nauta Lemke. A fuzzy logic system for steady-state security analysis of power systems. In Proceedings International Conference on Intelligent Systems Applications to Power Systems ISAP’96, pages 405–409, Orlando, Fl., Jan 1996. [bib]
- M. Setnes, R. Babuška, and U. Kaymak. Simplifying fuzzy rule bases using similarity measures. In Book of Abstracts 15-th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, page 222, Mierlo, the Netherlands, March 1996. [bib]
- U. Kaymak, R. Babuška, and M. Setnes. Methods for simplification of fuzzy models. In Presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute: Soft Computing and Its Applications, Antalya, Turkey, 1996. (unpublished). [bib]
- R. Babuška and H.B. Verbruggen. Model-based methods for design of fuzzy control systems. Journal A, 36(3):56–61, 1995. [bib]
- U. Kaymak, R. Babuška, and H.R. van Nauta Lemke. Fuzzy control – theory, design and implementation: A tutorial. Journal A, 36(3):4–14, 1995. [bib]
- R. Babuška and H.B. Verbruggen. Recent advances in fuzzy modeling and control. In Proceedings IFAC/IMACS International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control – AIRTC 95, pages 42–53, Bled, Slovenia, November 1995. [bib]
- R. Babuška and H.B. Verbruggen. Identification of composite linear models via fuzzy clustering. In Proceedings European Control Conference, pages 1207–1212, Rome, Italy, September 1995. [bib]
- R. Babuška and H.B. Verbruggen. A new identification method for linguistic fuzzy models. In Proceedings FUZZ-IEEE/IFES’95, pages 905–912, Yokohama, Japan, March 1995. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Fuzzy modeling – a control engineering perspective. In Proceedings Workshop on Fuzzy and Linguistic Modeling, FUZZ-IEEE/IFES’95, pages 1897–1902, Yokohama, Japan, March 1995. [bib]
- R. Babuška, H.A.B. te Braake, A.J. Krijgsman, and H.B. Verbruggen. Comparison of fuzzy control schemes on real-time pressure control. In J. Kocijan and R. Karba, editors, Proceedings IFAC/IMACS International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control – AIRTC 95, pages 71–76, Bled, Slovenia, November 1995. [bib]
- J.M. Sousa, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Some computational issues in fuzzy predictive control. In J. Kocijan and R. Karba, editors, Proceedings IFAC/IMACS International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control – AIRTC 95, pages 66–70, Bled, Slovenia, November 1995. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Fuzzy modeling and cluster analysis toolbox for MATLAB. In Proceedings Third European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT’95, pages 1479–1483, Aachen, Germany, August 1995. [bib]
- R. Babuška and U. Kaymak. Application of compatible cluster merging to fuzzy modeling of multivariable systems. In Proceedings Third European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT’95, pages 565–569, Aachen, Germany, August 1995. [bib]
- U. Kaymak, R. Babuška, and H.R. van Nauta Lemke. A fuzzy logic decision support system for security analysis of power systems. In Proceedings XIV European Annual Conference on Human Decision Making and Manual Control, pages Session 5–1, Delft, the Netherlands, June 1995. [bib]
- R. Babuška, J. Sousa, and H.B. Verbruggen. Fuzzy predictive control based on human reasoning. In Proceedings XIV European Annual Conference on Human Decision Making and Manual Control, pages Session 5–3, Delft, the Netherlands, June 1995. [bib]
- J. Sousa and R. Babuška. Non-linear control design based on fuzzy modelling. In Book of Abstracts 14-th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Houthalen, Belgium, March 1995. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Fuzzy logic in modeling and control. In Proceedings Symposium “Computational Intelligence”, pages 29–39, TU Delft, The Netherlands, May 1995. [bib]
- U. Kaymak and R. Babuška. A cluster merging method for fuzzy modelling. In Book of Abstracts 14-th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Houthalen, Belgium, March 1995. [bib]
- J. Sousa, R. Babuška, and H.B. Verbruggen. Adaptive fuzzy model-based control. In Proceedings Third European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT’95, pages 865–869, Aachen, Germany, August 1995. [bib]
- R. Babuška, J. Sousa, and H.B. Verbruggen. Model-based design of fuzzy control systems. In Proceedings Third European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT’95, pages 837–841, Aachen, Germany, August 1995. [bib]
- R. Babuška and H.B. Verbruggen. New approach to constructing fuzzy relational models from data. In Proceedings Third European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT’95, pages 583–587, Aachen, Germany, August 1995. [bib]
- U. Kaymak and R. Babuška. Compatible cluster merging for fuzzy modeling. In Proceedings FUZZ-IEEE/IFES’95, pages 897–904, Yokohama, Japan, March 1995. [bib]
- R. Babuška and E.K.Juuso. Constructing fuzzy models from prior knowledge and data. In Proceedings FALCON working group meeting, Third European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT’95, Aachen, Germany, September 1995. [bib]
- H.A.B. te Braake, R. Babuška, and H.J.L. van Can. Fuzzy and neural models in predictive control. Journal A, 35(3):44–51, Oct 1994. [bib]
- R. Babuška, R. Jager, and H.B. Verbruggen. Interpolation issues in Sugeno–Takagi reasoning. In Proceedings IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pages 859–863, Orlando, U.S.A., June 1994. [bib]
- R. Babuška and H.B. Verbruggen. Applied fuzzy modeling. In Proceedings IFAC Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Real Time Control, pages 61–66, Valencia, Spain, October 1994. [bib]
- R. Babuška and H.B. Verbruggen. Fuzzy modeling and its application to nonlinear control. In Proceedings IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Components and Instruments for Control Applications, Budapest, Hungary, 1994. [bib]
- R. Babuška and H.B. Verbruggen. Comparing different methods for premise identification in Sugeno–Takagi models. In Proceedings Second European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT’94, pages 1188–1192, Aachen, Germany, September 1994. [bib]
- R. Babuška and H.B. Verbruggen. Learning and adaptation in fuzzy systems. In Book of Abstracts 13-th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, March 1994. [bib]
- R. Babuška and H.B. Verbruggen. A new identification method for linguistic fuzzy models. In Proceedings FALCON working group meeting, Second European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT’94, Aachen, Germany, September 1994. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Designing fuzzy control systems with MATLAB and SIMULINK. In Proceedings Second European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT’94, pages 269–273, Aachen, Germany, September 1994. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Predictive control with fuzzy models. In Lecture Notes Summer School on Model Based Predictive Control, Zeist, The Netherlands, June 1994. [bib]
- L.M. Aguilera, R. Babuška, Z. Binder, and G. Chenevier. Production scheduling problem with changeover costs. In Proceedings International Workshop on Applied Automatic Control, Prague, Czech Republic, May 1993. [bib]
- R. Babuška. Fuzzy toolbox for MATLAB. In Proceedings IMACS conference MIMS-2 ’93, Brussels, Belgium, April 1993. [bib]
- R. Babuška and P. Horáček. Fuzzy logic in control systems. In Proceedings EMCSR’92, Wien, Austria, April 1992. [bib]
- R. Babuška, P. Horáček, and J. Houška. Fuzzy logic in automation. In Proceedings IGIP International Symposium Engineering Education ’92, Klagenfurt, Austria, September 1992. [bib]
- R. Babuška and P. Horáček. Laboratory evaluation of fuzzy controllers. In Proceedings IFAC Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Real Time Control, Delft, The Netherlands, June 1992. [bib]